Des enfants heureux est un système simple et propre, mais toujours professionnel Thème WordPress pour enfants. Il est conçu pour les jardins d’enfants, les garderies, les écoles maternelles et autres entreprises liées aux enfants. Il est créé en utilisant les dernières technologies HTML5 et CSS3. Il est livré avec des combinaisons de couleurs illimitées et 9 jolis motifs d’arrière-plan.

Principales caractéristiques:
- Style épuré et plat
- Schémas de couleurs illimités
- Mise en page réactive
- Système de gestion de contenu visuel
- Panneau d’options de thème avancées
- Curseur de révolution inclus
- Prêt pour WooCommerce
- Prêt pour WPML
- Moteur de recherche optimisé
- Traducteur personnalisé inclus
- Importation de démonstration en un clic
- Prise en charge des polices Google
- Diverses mises en page
- Multi-galerie simple (photo/vidéo)
- Pages de portefeuille
- Générateur de codes courts
- Widgets personnalisés
- Prise en charge des formats de publication (prise en charge YouTube et Vimeo)
- Barres latérales illimitées
- Compatible avec le formulaire de contact 7
- FontAwesome inclus
- Fichiers PSD inclus
- Tutoriels vidéos
- Et beaucoup plus…
Veuillez noter que les images ne sont pas incluses dans le package.
Nous sommes prêts à améliorer ce thème selon vos demandes. Si vous avez des questions sur ce thème, vous pouvez laisser un commentaire ou nous contacter par e-mail. Nous ferons de notre mieux pour vous assister et vous aider !
Veuillez noter:
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Journal des modifications de version :
v.4.0.2 (Sep 04, 2023) --------------------- Fixed: - WooCommerce 7.9.0 template files updated. v.4.0.1 (Aug 24, 2022) --------------------- Fixed: - PHP error when checking for updates issue. v.4.0.0 (Nov 1, 2021) --------------------- This is a major release. We migrated from CWS Builder to Elementor. The demo content was rebuilt using Elementor. Added: - Elementor support. v.3.5.3 (Jun 22, 2021) --------------------- Fixed: - php8 compatibility issues, - WordPress 5.6 compatibility issues. v.3.5.2 (Aug 24, 2020) --------------------- Fixed: - WordPress 5.5 compatibility issues, - WPML and Benefits widget compatibility issues. v.3.5.1 (Nov 14, 2019) --------------------- Fixed: - Automatic theme updater issue.. Updated: - WooCommerce 3.8.0 templates.
v.3.5.0 (May 14, 2019) --------------------- Fixed: - CWSBuilder NextPage issue, - Envato's new theme requirements issue, - CWS Builder being switched to Gutenberg editor issue. Updated: - WooCommerce 3.6.1 templates.
v.3.4.9 (Dec 28, 2018) --------------------- Fixed: - WordPress 5.0 compatibility issues. Updated: - CWS Builder to support Gutenberg Editor.
v.3.4.8 (Nov 5, 2018) --------------------- Added: - Number of product related items. Updated: - Woocommerce 3.5.1 templates.
v.3.4.7 (Aug 2, 2018) --------------------- Fixed: - Woo product image popup issue.
v.3.4.6 (Jun 4, 2018) --------------------- Fixed: - CWS Builder fatal error issue, - Small woocommerce issues, Added: - RevSlider updater, Updated: - Woocommerce v.3.4.1 template files;
v.3.4.5 (Feb 8, 2018) --------------------- Fixed: - CWS Thumb issu, Updated: - Woocommerce 3.3.1 template files, - Revslider plugin.
v.3.4.4 (Oct 9, 2017) --------------------- Fixed: - Read More translation issue; - CWS Builder issue; - Woocommerce Image popup issue.
v.3.4.3 (July 13, 2017) --------------------- Fixed: - Gallery for the Text Widget - IE issue for the Post Single pages. Updated: - WooCommerce template files.
v.3.4.2 (May 11, 2017) --------------------- Fixed: - Button with an Icon issues; Added: - Carousel AutoPlay Option; - Support for WooCommerce WishList Plugin.
v.3.4.1 (Apr 12, 2017) --------------------- Added: - Support for WooCommerce 3.X.X
v.3.4.0 (Mar 23, 2017) --------------------- Fixed: - HTML+CSS Validation issues; - Theme Performance issues; - RTL issues. Added: - Support for WPML 3.2.X Updated: - RevSlider Demo Slider
v.3.3.9 (Aug 1, 2016) --------------------- Updated: - WooCommerce template files.
v.3.3.8 (July 8, 2016) --------------------- Added: - Slider option for pages; Updated: - Revolution Slider - WooCommerce template files.
v.3.3.7 (May 18, 2016) --------------------- Fixed: - Progress Bar issue; - Widget titles translation issue; - Default sidebar menu small css issue; - Remote image crop issue; Updated: - Revolution Slider plugin;
v.3.3.6 (Feb 22, 2016) --------------------- Fixed: - Retina script optimization issue; - Sidebar menu widget issue; - Nextpage (<!—-nextpage—->) issue; Updated: - Woocommerce template files.
v.3.3.5 (Jan 22, 2016) --------------------- Fixed: - CForm 7 select box issue; - numeric lists small css issue; - blog category descriptions issue; - media attachment issue; - RevSlider alias issue; - Text logo issue; - Minor WooCommerce CSS issues; - PHP7 compatibility issue; - Update available notice issue; Updated: - WooCommerce 2.5 template files; Removed: - “/” symbol from pricing tables;
v.3.3.4 (Dec 2, 2015) --------------------- Fixed: - Search results issue; - Comments formatting issue; - Carousel shortcode issue; Updated: - Revolution Slider plugin; - Font Awesome library; - TGM Plugin Activation Plugin.
v.3.3.3 (Sept 14, 2015) --------------------- Updated: - Revolution Slider v.5.0.8;
v.3.3.2 (Sept 1, 2015) --------------------- Fixed: - RTL carousel fix; - Deprecated WP-Widget fix for wordpress 4.3.
v.3.3.1 (August 14, 2015) --------------------- Updated: - Revolution Slider: Version 5.0.4 StarPath (12th August 2015); - WooCommerce templates. Fixed: - Some backend notices.
v.3.3.0 (July 18, 2015) --------------------- Added: - Portfolio Archive page; - Portfolio Rename option; - Breadcrumbs translation to Theme Options panel. Fixed: - Image resize issue; - Hi-DPI not saving issue.
v.3.2.9 (July 17, 2015) --------------------- Fixed: - Sidebar generator numerous warnings issue; - Google font https issue.
v.3.2.8 (June 29, 2015) --------------------- Fixed: - Blog excerpt issue; - Search and 404 pages sidebar issue; - No slider pattern for homepage issue; - Sidebar generator, numerous warnings issue.
v.3.2.4 (June 18, 2015) --------------------- Fixed: - Portfolio target issue; - Blog archive permalinks issue; - prettyPhoto: XSS vulnerability issue; - Font size selection issue. Updated: - prettyPhoto library; - Revolution Slider.
v.3.2 (April 23, 2015) --------------------- Fixed: - Security Vulnerability issue;
v.3.1.8 (April 7, 2015) --------------------- Fixed: - Pricing table ribbon fix;
v.3.1.7 (April 2, 2015) --------------------- Added: - Vertical tab option; Fixed: - CWS Builder Callout issue; - Blog and Portfolio Single page huge image issue; - Woocommerce checkout button issue;
v.3.1.4 (March 23, 2015) --------------------- Added: - Woocommerce lightbox on/off option; Fixed: - Video Widget saving issue; Updated: - Font Awesome Icon library;
v.3.1 (February 27, 2015) --------------------- Fixed: - Fonts select and color issues; - Footer Firefox issue; - Slider issue; - woocommerce outdated files issue;
Images utilisées :
- http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=§ion=&q=happy+kids#/d470rov
- http://gmirage2.deviantart.com/art/Fruits-and-kids-65931028?q=boost%3Apopular%20happy%20kids&qo=84
- http://browse.deviantart.com/?order=9&q=happy+kids&offset=144#/d2vclu5
- http://browse.deviantart.com/?order=9&q=happy+kids&offset=168#/d4v92jc
- http://sabrane.deviantart.com/art/Sailing-at-midnight-179447602?q=boost%3Apopular%20happy%20kids&qo=380
- http://iconza.com/
- http://iconmonstr.com/category/business/
- http://www.sxc.hu (ID : 165089, 1338212, 1307588)
- http://www.fotolia.com (ID : 32530160, 32530188, 1523118, 1523036, 1523036, 20982569, 21210893, 21516420, 21608437, 884682, 899943, 1632131, 49518 7, 34832162, 34832140, 34953816, 35152400, 35878057, 35878060, 35878062, 35878080, 35878090, 34728477, 286937 , 2825079, 2428223)
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