Magazine Conso

Van She "Changes" (G.L.O.V.E.S remix)

Publié le 11 septembre 2008 par Kanthos

Alors que les australiens de Van She font actuellement la tournée de leur île/continent pour la sortie de leur album V, Modular, en bon label qui doit assurer la promo de ses artistes, vient d'envoyer à la blogosphère (et plus) ce remix du single Changes par GLOVES :
" G.L.O.V.E.S is the one man remixing machine who has been spreading his love muscle on some of the of the finest music on the market. he has quickly become infamous for his ability to turn a track into an anthem saved only for the most prestigious of dancers. On the new Van She single "Changes" G.L.O.V.E.S has yet again sprinkled his disco dust over every aspect of the track which is sure to leave your new sneakers stuck to any dance floor. More chilled than bangin', more fresh than noisy - this remix is sweeter than whatever is playing on your stereo right now."
>> Van She : Changes (G.L.O.V.E.S remix)

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