Magazine Environnement

Insights from the 2008 IBM Global Supply Chain Executive Summit

Publié le 08 octobre 2008 par Thomas Ka

image-51 Insights from the 2008 IBM Global Supply Chain Executive Summit

The 2008 IBM Global Supply Chain Management Executive Summit brought together supply chain leaders from the world’s top companies to share their experiences, provide new insights, and chart new directions. The event, co-hosted by IBM and The Logistics Institute - Asia Pacific, created a forum focused on the leading thinking from academia, analysts and industry leaders on key supply chain issues facing the industry.

Held in mid-March in Beijing, China, 35 senior supply chain executives participated in the summit. Participants included industrialists, retailers, consumer products manufacturers, distributors, and logistics companies. The profiles of the diverse participant base included companies ranging from streamlined, single channel businesses to highly vertical and complex global operations, spanning revenues from $1 billion to nearly $100 billion. This paper shares the insights and perspectives discussed during the presentations and panels conducted over the two-day event.

>> Télécharger le document d’IBM sur la green supply chain.

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