Voici ma fonction shVlan du fichier bin/rancid
sub ShowVLAN {
print STDERR " In ShowVLAN: $_ " if ($debug);#($_=<INPUT>,return(1)) if (!$DO_SHOW_VLAN);
while (<INPUT>) {
tr/ 15//d;
last if (/^$prompt/);
next if (/^(s*|s*$cmds*)$/);
return(1) if /Line has invalid autocommand /;
return(1) if /(Invalid input detected|Type help or )/;
return(1) if /Ambiguous command/i;
# newer releases (~12.1(9)) place the vlan config in the normal
# configuration (write term).
return(-1) if (/command authorization failed/i);
# the pager can not be disabled per-session on the PIX
if (/^(<;-+ More -+>;)/) {
my($len) = length($1);
ProcessHistory(" COMMENTS ", "keysort ", "IO ", "!VLAN: $_ ");
ProcessHistory(" COMMENTS ", "keysort ", "IO ", "!n ");
Cette fonction m'a permis de résoudre mon problème.

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