Magazine Banque

La planification : Pour faire face aux catastrophes ou essayer de les éviter ?

Publié le 10 novembre 2008 par B3b

Chaque automne, le magazine Banque & Finance publie un numéro spécial consacré aux solutions informatiques bancaires. Cette année, la gestion des risques était le thème central de ce cahier.

A cette occasion, Monsieur David Royston y a consacré un article intitulé :

Planning to cope with disasters or trying to avoid them?


Découvrez cet article ici.

La planification : Pour faire face aux catastrophes ou essayer de les éviter ?A lot has been said and written about disaster recovery. Disasters will always occur, even in the most secure environments. However it is astonishing to see more time and effort being spent on coping with disasters, than actually trying to avoid them.

For example, a few years ago a bank in Geneva experienced a major incident in their primary data center and had to switch over to their secondary site. Recovery went according to plan and there were only manageable impacts for users, and none for clients. Unlike the primary data center which failed, the secondary site was located in a secure state-of-the-art data center. When choosing the location of their primary site, the bank overlooked the fact that the building had never been designed as a data center, far from it...

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Royston Consulting
9, av. Bella-Vista
1234 Vessy

email: [email protected]

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