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Publié le 29 novembre 2008 par Chrisos

Thanks to Robert-Gilles, you will be able to know six exciting facts about me…

First, a reminder of the rules:

The golden rules of tagging:
*Link to the person who tagged you
*Post the rules on the blog posted
*Write six random things about yourself
*Tag six people at the end of your post
*Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog
*Let the tagger know when your entry is published.

OK, let’s start:

  • I do not know why, but my favourite animal is the Jackal. Why? Not because of Carlos (the terrorist, not the dead fat singer), but probably because it’s a quite lonely animal, and a scavenger. The scanveger can also be a muckraker. I love to find and point out people’s inconsistent behaviours. Coherence is very important. I guess you already noticed this point.
  • I like “personnality” tests. I am a rational mastermind, whos loves efficiency, and research. That’s at least one common point with Hannibal Lecter. I thought that these tests where bullshit until I took one that “guessed” my real job. I was bluffed. Since then, I consider that many of these tests are bullshit, but some actually work!
  • I never know what to do when I am in front of something I do not like in a restaurant. I guess it depends on my mood and the place. Unless it is a real disaster and uneatble, I will probably not say anything if no one asks for my opinion. But if they ask and seem to really consider that my opinion counts, I am generally quite honest and straightforward.
  • I used to have a car. I do not need one anymore, as I can use my feet, my bike and sometimes the horrible public transportation system. But I find this car outstanding, and I would have loved it in another life.
  • I am proud of my not so short career and I love my job as a quant. It took me some time to find my way… Yeah, of course, when you are an engineer, you are supposed to work for research and company in the industrial sector. I think that what I am doing now in finance is more interesting and add much more value than what I used to do in industry. I praise engineers, and I still consider myself as a top engineer, but I consider this text as bullshit.
    It is ridiculous to say that France is a country of brains and to have let so many manufacturing plants close here to reopen elsewhere. Bad finance guys are not the only ones responsible. In france, where politicians and people who elect them want a law for everything, I think it’s their fault. Look at Switzerland and Germany: they are proud of their workers and the Made in Germany or made in Switzerland label really means something. They did not accept as many “transfers” as the French did.
  • I think that the news industry really needs a big change. In France, I do not feel safe when I know that there are so many relationships betwen the media and the political and business worlds. Independence is very important and there is clearly an issue. The example of the food and restaurant journalists show that the is something rotten in this field. This is supposed to be a secondary and futile domain, so I cannot imagine how biased it is for serious and important things…

I will not tag anyone, as I have already been tagged a couple of times, but feel free to participate if you want to.

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