Magazine Emarketing

Guide gratuit pour planifier une campagne de financement philanthropique

Publié le 17 décembre 2008 par Philanthropie

planning_guideSi vous cherchez un guide pratique et simple pour planifier avec succès une campagne de financement philanthropique, vous n’avez qu’à faire un tour rapide du côté du mini-site que  Spitfire Strategies a mis en place pour aider les gens comme vous qui doivent maximiser leurs efforts et argents déployés pour amasser des fonds bénéfiques aux gens ou aux causes qui en ont besoin. Sur ce mini-site, vous pourrez accéder gratuitement au document The Just enough Planning Guide et à d’autres ressources intéressantes d’information. Vous avez deviné que le document est en anglais, mais sa valeur (surtout son rapport qualité/prix) vaut la peine d’une lecture en traduction simultanée dans votre tête bien intentionnée. Le document est bien fait et se divise en 9 sections. Vous avez même accès à un  document imprimable 11 X 17 pour y inscrire les éléments de votre plan. De bons documents gratuits!

Voici les 9 éléments d’un bon plan pour une campagne de financement que je vous copie en anglais pour vous pratiquer :

  1. Confirm That a Campaign Is Possible. This is the time to step back and assess the viability of a campaign. Are the stars aligned for this effort to be successful?
  2. Set a Clear, Measurable Goal That Is Achievable. Your plan needs to be focused on achieving a very specific goal. Your goal is your raison d’être. Are you trying to make something happen or stop something from happening? There is a difference.
  3. Chart Your Course. Much like a road trip, there are likely many ways to get to your goal. You will use your knowledge of the field and the external environment to determine the best steps to your goal.
  4. Anticipate Conditions. Visualize all possible scenarios – the good, the bad and the ugly – so your plan includes strategies for leveraging opportunities and mitigating challenges, including identifying your opposition.
  5. Know How to Make Headway. What will propel you down your path? What major campaign activities can help you get from point A to point B?
  6. Prioritize Your Target Audiences. Now that you have a strategy, stay focused by prioritizing who you need to engage to win, and when.
  7. Put a Public Face on Your Campaign. Give the effort a name and a personality that is memorable and easily understood. You want people to recognize what you are about and not have to guess.
  8. Operationalize Your Campaign. Based on the activities you think will help you make headway, determine which campaign tactics you will need: from intellectual knowledge to government relations to public mobilization to communications to coalition building to fundraising.
  9. Stay on Track. Build evaluation mechanisms into your plan that will tell you when you are making progress and when you need to stop and make a mid-course correction. Meet regularly with your team to discuss your progress.

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