Steve Jobs vient de lâcher un communiqué de presse pour expliquer pourquoi il ne sera pas présent à la keynote de demain (Putain mais c’est demain la Keynote ?!!!! Damnit !!! )
Une démarche qui est tout à fait louable de sa part, même si à la lecture on sent que ça le fait chier d’en parler. Pour résumer, il nous explique que sa perte de poids soudaine en 2008 à surpris tout le monde : Lui, les toubibs, sa famille… nous aussi. Et que cette perte de poids est du à un dérèglement hormonale (Déjà ménopausé Steve ???!

Pour finir, il ne lachera pas les rênes d’Apple durant sa guérison et sa reprise de poid qui devrait se terminer à la fin du printemps 2009.
Steve va bien donc, tout du moins il va aller mieux, et ça c’est cool ! Fin du débat sur sa santé.
Rendez vous demain pour la Keynote ici même à 19 heures.
Le communiqué de presse dans la suite.
Letter From Apple CEO Steve Jobs
Monday January 5, 8:30 am ET
Dear Apple Community,
For the first time in a decade, I’m getting to spend the holiday season with my family, rather than intensely preparing for a Macworld keynote.
Unfortunately, my decision to have Phil deliver the Macworld keynote set off another flurry of rumors about my health, with some even publishing stories of me on my deathbed.
I’ve decided to share something very personal with the Apple community so that we can all relax and enjoy the show tomorrow.
As many of you know, I have been losing weight throughout 2008. The reason has been a mystery to me and my doctors. A few weeks ago, I decided that getting to the root cause of this and reversing it needed to become my #1 priority.
Fortunately, after further testing, my doctors think they have found the cause — a hormone imbalance that has been “robbing” me of the proteins my body needs to be healthy. Sophisticated blood tests have confirmed this diagnosis.
The remedy for this nutritional problem is relatively simple and straightforward, and I’ve already begun treatment. But, just like I didn’t lose this much weight and body mass in a week or a month, my doctors expect it will take me until late this Spring to regain it. I will continue as Apple’s CEO during my recovery.
I have given more than my all to Apple for the past 11 years now. I will be the first one to step up and tell our Board of Directors if I can no longer continue to fulfill my duties as Apple’s CEO. I hope the Apple community will support me in my recovery and know that I will always put what is best for Apple first.
So now I’ve said more than I wanted to say, and all that I am going to say, about this.
Steve Via