Magazine Emarketing

Paris bird-eye with Virtual Earth

Publié le 10 février 2009 par Jeantauk

Virtual Earth, the tool to view satellite images from Microsoft (Google Earth competitor) has now been seen in “bird-eye” in Paris, also visible on the Live Maps site (equivalent to Google Maps). The pictures, magnifique, from DigitalGlobe and society are 37 terabytes of data. Paris is not the only French city  concerned because this type of images is also relative to Nantes, St Quentin, Pau, Montauban, Lorient, Calais, Dunkirk, St. Nazaire, Quimper, Le Havre, Caen, Beauvais, Angers and Rennes.  Other cities in Europe and elsewhere are also affected by this new version of the service.

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