11,5% des euro-députés font de l’influence digitale

Publié le 13 février 2009 par Lilzeon
Une étude impressionnante menée par Public Affairs 2.0 révèle que plus d’un député européen sur 10 est blogueur… Je vous copie-colle l’article :
“Anyway we have looked at every MEP to see how they are doing on websites, blogs, facebook wikipedia and so forth. This post will look at the intrepid MEP bloggers. And here they are the key stats:
  • 82 89 MEPs have blogs, which equates to just over 10% 11% of all MEPs. A full list with hyperlinks is at the bottom of this post.
  • France and UK currently have the most MEP bloggers (11), with Spain a close second (10). Germany and new kids on the block Romania follow with 7 bloggers each. Surprisingly Italy, a supposedly blogging friendly country, has only 2 MEP bloggers and is easily outstripped by Poland who has 6.
  • In terms of groups the socialists are the clear winners with 34 36 MEP bloggers and are some way ahead of the EPP who have just 19 20. Meanwhile the Greens, 10 MEP bloggers, are just behind ALDE who have 11 MEP bloggers.

Anyway, for the record, these are the MEP bloggers we’ve found (and been told about!) with hyperlinks to their blogs - if you think we missed any, do let us know:

Le début de preuve que les médias sociaux sont un relai d’influence de plus en plus fort. Et que le blog en tant qu’espace de discussion directe entre des citoyens et un politique est un format qui peut marcher.

Merci à Gautier Demouveaux pour l’info.