
Connie Chiu

Publié le 21 mars 2009 par Marmotte

21 mars 2009

Connie Chiu

"Connie Chiu is a Chinese albino from Hong Kong who was raised in Sweden and eventually paraded off to London to become a supermodel. Oh, and sometimes her eyes look purple. Basically, without her even trying, her personal fairy tale is the backstory for what could be China's greatest fictional superheroine [...]". Vice Magazine

Photographs by Camilla Stephan

Connie Chiu
Connie Chiu
Connie Chiu
Connie Chiu

"It's human nature to be prejudiced. And any place that is segregated-only Greek, or only black, or only Swedish-people react strongly to those that stand out. I've always preferred to be where a lot of different people are mixing together."

Connie Chiu

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