Friday 3rd July saw the launch party of OrneLink, an English-language network run by Orne Council.
Our aim is to facilitate dialogue between the council and individuals who have come to live in the department from abroad. Our mission is to engage expatriates in the social, political and economic development of the county, so that we can shape the future together.
OrneLink is here to help you get involved in local politics or non-profit organisations, learn French, make friends and get advice, start up a business or find a job, network, understand the services provided by the council, unravel troublesome red tape…
We will be holding other events where you can meet other expatriates as well as our heads of department and representatives from our partner organisations. Don’t hesitate to tell us if you have any other ideas for events or services we could organise as part of OrneLink.
There are no criteria for joining OrneLink; although primarily for Anglophone residents it is also open to French people who are interested in linguistic or cultural exchange, people who organise town twinning, language teachers, business people who are interested in operating abroad, students… You can join OrneLink by signing-up online. You will be automatically added to our email group, and receive information about our activities and events.