
SolidWorks SustainabilityXpress - Video, tutorial, and more!

Publié le 23 juillet 2009 par Clement Donzel

 We talked about it few weeks ago, but here is some fresh news around SolidWorks SustainablityXpress you might be interested in:

  1. SustainablityXpress is now available in 64 bit version and can be downloaded from the SolidWorks Labs.
  2. Tutorial file (SLDPRT file format) can be downloaded here (1.20 Mo)
  3. Below is a video that show a little bit more in detail how SustainabilityXpress works in SolidWorks.


I also recommend this article written by one of our resellers in Malaysia, CW Lau from IME Technology, around Carbon Footprint, and how you, as an engineer, can have impacts on climate change and help reducing carbon footprint….Inspiring! Click here to read the article.


If you have already tried SolidWorks SustainabilityXpress, please let us know your feedback on the comment section.

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