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Paul Smith in Paris

Publié le 30 juillet 2009 par Yoland Moutama

Paul Smith in Paris

Ce que j’aime chez Paul Smith ce n’est pas seulement sa ligne vestimentaire, ses bandes colorées, ou son côté décalé. Mais c’est aussi tout l’univers que Sir Paul Smith arrive à nous faire partager dans chacune de ses boutiques. Ses boutiques sont vivantes, et pour le curieux que je suis, c’est un vrai bonheur.
La première est déjà très belle (Faubourg Saint-Honoré) et dernièrement (Mars) une seconde boutique parisienne a vu le jour, au 70 Rue de Grenelle Paris 7°.
Sir Paul Smith nous explique sur son blog les raisons de l’ouverture de cette boutique à cette endroit et cet esprit mêlant l’ancien et le neuf:

“The very exciting point about the Grenelle shop is that it is in premises that have been empty since the 1980’s and is in a very ‘interesting’ state of decay! The walls are unpainted for many years, the floor tiles are the original, 80 year old shelves, everything dates back to the 1930’s when La Tourrette was opened by Monsieur Tourrette as a ‘Bougnat’; the left side of the shop selling coal, the right side selling wine. The business was run by Monsieur Tourrette and continued through the generations, including his daughter and then later other members of the family. In the early 1960’s it was opened as a little cafe and from then until its closure was a famous haunt of many intellectuals including Jacques Prevert and his brother who were regular visitors along with actresses and writers.”

Paul Smith in Paris

Paul Smith in Paris

Paul Smith in Paris


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