Changelogs :
Call Of Juarez Bound In Blood - PC patch
- Added auto-patching functionality
- Added community map support for single- and multiplayer
Fixes and improvements
- Fixed crashing on the game start on quad core CPU systems
- Fixed an issue resulting in lost connection to internet lobby
- Fixed a framerate-related issue with stagecoach chase in single-player Chapter 3
- Time limits added to multiplayer games to prevent too high money gains from a single match
- Added the ability to disable sticky aim with dual guns
- Spawn invincibility time extended, spawn effect changed
- Added cheater reporting system
- Added chat functionality on the character selection screen after death
- Code modified to increase protection from cheats and hacks
Class balance
- Spy: damage increased; health increased;
- Gunslinger: recoil reduced; accuracy improved;
- Hombre: recoil and reload time increased; damage at long range significantly reduced;
- Veteran: health and accuracy decreased; additional pistols removed;
- Sniper: no-scope accuracy and damage significantly reduced; health decreased; sidearm Ranger swapped for Classic Gun