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Strategic Command WW 2 Pacific Theatre : patch 1.03

Publié le 01 octobre 2009 par Cyberstratege

Strategic Command WW2 Pacific Theatre

Une nouvelle mise à jour est disponible pour Strategic Command WW 2 Pacific Theatre. Ce patch corrige quelques bugs et améliore quelques petits détails de l’éditeur de scénario. Vous trouverez plusieurs pour télécharger le fichier chez Battlefront.


- fixed an email replay error (Tracy)
- fixed an HQ build list error that would incorrectly show a rating of 0 for previously destroyed HQs (Rhino)
- fixed a carrier intercept range highlight error (SeaMonkey)
- fixed a scorched earth error related to the ‘On Liberation’ flag (Bill R.)
- fixed a combat replay error regarding air units that act as their own interceptors (Bill M.)


- Bismarck Archipelago and Eastern New Guinea added as new countries.
- the Gilbert Islands now start under Japanese control.
- up to two of the Japanese garrison units that deploy in the Marshalls may now deploy in the Gilberts instead.
- Kyoto and Tokyo atomic bombs removed, and the effect of bombs after the initial two have been reduced slightly.
- Atomic Bomb decision event amended (Andy).
- Fighters’ Carrier Defense values increased from 1 to 3 (Baron).
- Strategic bombers evasion % reduced from 25 to 20%.
- US National Guard unit script trigger amended (Matt).
- Japanese garrison unit scripts added at Seoul and Hong Kong.
- the Japanese can now position bombers on the islands to the east of Brisbane, and these can hit US supply ships sailing for Brisbane, thus reducing US supply at Brisbane, and Australia’s income. The source positions are:
- 1.Kukum on Gudalacanal
- 2.Noumea on New Caledonia
- 3.Kone on New Caledonia
- 4.Luganville in the New Hebrides
- 5.Vila in the New Hebrides
- 6.Auckland on New Zealand
- 7.Wellington on New Zealand
- 8.Dunedin on New Zealand
- 9.Christchurch on New Zealand
- 10.Blenheim on New Zealand
- 11.Suva in Fiji
- 12.Papeete in French Polynesia

This patch will not work with any non-English version of Strategic Command WWII Pacific Theater at this time

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