Emboitant le pas a l'Arabie Saoudite et Bahrain, les arguments de la FDA sont une nouvelle fois mis en avant, sans oublier le fameux antigel !
Extrait "...Nevertheless, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the federal body charged with assuring the safety of foods and medicines, announced last month that "laboratory analysis of electronic cigarette samples has found that they contain carcinogens and toxic chemicals such as diethylene glycol, an ingredient used in antifreeze..."
Mais ce texte à le mérite d'être honnête au sujet de la ecigarette :
"...Since cigarettes continue to be sold freely in Egypt, the mission of Mehrez's department is all the more difficult. "We care about providing people with the right information to quit, because we care about people's health," he says. "This means that we can't say less damage is better than more damage. The real answer is quitting." Mehrez believes that the media should play a greater role in raising public awareness of the hazards of smoking, in addition to the obligatory written and pictorial warnings that appear on all cigarette packs sold in Egypt and the existing governmental and non-governmental anti-smoking campaigns....."
"...Puisque les cigarettes continuent à être vendus librement en Égypte, la mission du département Mehrez est d'autant plus difficile. "Nous prenons soin de fournir aux individus les bonnes informations parce que nous avons à coeur la santé des gens», dit-il. "Cela signifie que nous ne pouvons pas dire que moins de dégâts est mieux que plus de dégâts. La vraie réponse est cesser de fumer..."
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