Magazine High tech

Majesty 2 : guide officiel et patch

Publié le 05 octobre 2009 par Cyberstratege

Majesty 2

Ino-Co vient de sortir une mise à jour pour Majesty 2 the fantasy kingdom sim. Ce patch ajoute un système de mise à jour automatique, améliore le chat dans le lobby multijoueurs et corrige plusieurs bugs (cf. liste ci-après). Le fichier se récupère depuis le site officiel, ou pour les versions achetées en téléchargement, depuis le portail concerné. Par ailleurs, notez qu’un guide stratégique a été publié (en anglais – collection Prima guide). Vous en trouverez un bel aperçu de ce coté du site officiel. Alternativement, pour plus de détails sur Majesty 2 voyez notre test.



- The name of the paladin’s spell « Holy Attack » has been changed to « Holy Partonage » (English version only).
- Fixed issues with incorrectly named Fear Flag (English version only).


- A system that checks for game updates has been implemented.
- If the graphic settings exceed the system’s capabilities, and the game crashes, then « safe mode » will be automatically activated on next launch.


- Fixed an issue with desynchronization of game time speed and speed of building.
- 140-character posts are now allowed in lobby chat rooms
- Fixed quest mark dissapearance after loading a saved game.
- Fixed incorrect heroes icons appearing after an upgrade to another class.
- Multiplayer: fixed a game crash.
- Fixed rare issues with drawing loading screens.
- Fixed a rare crash during the aftermath screen in the multiplayer.
- Multiplayer. After finishing a multiplayer game, the « Waiting for other players » panel closes automatically.
- Fixed an issue with drawing a screenshot of the first saved game.
- Fixed a rare issue in the GUI, with the party panel not closing after the death of a party member.
- Fixed incorrect display of dead heroes in the GUI.
- Fixed the crash during saving-loading with a full « building queue ».
- Fixed an issue with missions being not flagged as « completed » after their completion in some cases.
- Fixed an issue with screen overlightning on some ATI videocards.
- Fixed an issue with bloom special effect.
- Fixed an issue with haze in the « Big Problem » mission.
- Fixed as issue with spells and great artifacts being cast on the selected unit icon.
- The cost of spells is now shown correctly.
- Fixed an issue with camera’s trembling while scrolling near map borders
- Fixed an issue with saving-loading time being too long
- Multiplayer. GameSpy rating are now calculated and displayed correctly.
- Multuplayer. GameSpy error messages are now displayed correctly.
- Multiplayer. Fixed an issue with re-connection to the server after first attempt.
- Multiplayer. Server filters have been added. Now it is possible to show in the list only those servers that are available for connection.
- Multiplayer. Fixed an issue with the game being non-syncronized.
- Multiplayer. Fixed an issue with the info panel of enemy heroes or buildings.
- Fixed an issue with lords’ ammunition and artifacts having no effect.
- Fixed the crash with saving-loading while the character characteristics panel is open.
- Fixed an issue with upgrading a hero while the hero is joining a party.
- Fixed an issue that allows you to choose suitable trading lands and holy grounds, through the fog of war.
- Quicksave and quickload hotkeys are changed to F5 and F9.
- Fixed an issue with scrolling in the GUI.


- The cost of inventing the « Grab-grass » spell has risen from 500 to 2000 gold.
- The cost of casting the « Grab-grass » spell has decreased from 500 to 250 gold.
- The cost of inventing the « Stone Incantation » spell has risen from 1000 to 2000 gold.
- The invention of « Stone Incantation » spell has moved to the second level of Dwarven Settlement.

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