
NYC Spaghetti Packaging

Publié le 08 novembre 2009 par Labulleyago

NYC Spaghetti Packaging
NYC Spaghetti, projet de packaging pour spaghetti conçu par le jeune designer Alex Creamer, étudiant à l’université de Central Lancashire en Angleterre.
Le fond du paquet a été réalisé suivant un modèle 3D du sommet du Chrysler Building de New York, permettant ainsi aux spaghetti de prendre le forme souhaitée.
"NYC Spaghetti", a project designed by Alex Creamer, a student at the University of Central Lancashire in the UK.
"I created this spaghetti packaging for a university project last year. The brief was to package one of 5 difficult items i.e. eggs, a rose, custard powder, spaghetti or marbles. I chose spaghetti. The spaghetti sits on a 3d model of the Chrysler Building that was modelled on CAD by my friend Ben Thorpe. And then modelled out of high density foam at uni. Creating a spaghetti model of the Chrysler building!"
NYC Spaghetti Packaging
NYC Spaghetti Packaging
NYC Spaghetti Packaging
Via: The Dieline

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