Cette après-midi mon copain et moi avons enregistré ma nouvelle chanson : Waterfall.
Guitare et prise de son : Simon
Texte, musique, piano et voix : Lo
W a t e r f a l l
Waterfall, it's you and me
Under the water
In this warm summer
Waterfall, and two laughters
Into the water
But I wish I've been one of them
In this so blue day
They were sleeping in the grass
In a colored light
Waterfall, sometimes I think
A lot of you
Now it's time to go
And I wish all this summer days
When you called my name
Now you appear in my dreams
All the colored nights
And you are just like me
Waterfall, that's where I want to be
We've been here and we'll be always free
There you are in my memory
And you are just like me
Waterfall, it's you and me
Under the water
In this warm summer