Magazine Conso

Classement : Les 99 blogs mode/beauté les plus influents au monde

Publié le 13 novembre 2009 par Modissimo

Post image for Classement : Les 99 blogs mode/beauté les plus influents au monde

Signature9 vient de publier un classement des 99 blogs mode/beauté les plus influents assez intéressant.

Si on retrouve en tête le Sartorialist et Highsnobiety, le reste du classement est trusté par les blogs féminins, et quelques françaises sont présentes : Garance Doré (6e !), The Cherry Blossom Girl (20e) Le blog de Betty (27e) Diane Pernet / A Shaded View on Fashion (40e), Géraldine Dormoy / Café Mode (45e), Punky b (59e) et Caroline Daily (61e).

Girl Power !

Les critères :

S9 (Signature9 Points)
Range: 0-15
The only subjective ranking, the Signature9 score awards points for update frequency, quality of content and design. 9 would be considered good, 12 great and 15 just about perfect.

Y! (Yahoo! Links)
Range: 0-15
We take the raw number of InLinks to each blog (minus links from the blog, or related domain), then assign a score on a 15 point scale.

PR (PageRank)
Range: 0-10
This is the number that shows up on the little green bar for each blog using the Google Toolbar.

TR (Technorati Reactions)
Range: 0-10
Technorati Reactions count the number of individual posts that reference a blog, minus those from the blog itself. We take the raw number of mentions and assign a score on a 10 point scale.

TA (Technorati Authority)
Range: 0-5
Technorati Authority counts the number of blogs linking to a site within the last 6 months (minus the blog itself). We take the raw number and assign a score on a 5 point scale.

A (Alexa Points)
Range: 0-10
Alexa ranks sites by estimating page views and reach (the percentage of all web users who have visited that particular site). We take their ranking and assign a score on a 10 point scale.

For blogs hosted on popular domains, we estimate Alexa points based on sites with similar characteristics so that the main domain doesn’t skew the points. For example, blogs hosted on the New York Times site are estimated independently of the points might receive.

D (Delicious Points)
Range: 0-10
Delicious tallies the number of people who’ve bookmarked a blog. We take the composite number and assign a score on a 10 point scale

BL (Google Blog Links)
Range: 0-15
Similar to Technorati Reactions, Google Blog Links measure the number of blog postings referencing a site. We take the raw number of blog links and assign a score on a 15 point scale.

For all ratings, the top end of the scale is based upon the blog with the highest number in each category.

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