Magazine Informatique

Editeur Logiciel

Publié le 13 novembre 2009 par Aggil

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Extrait de Références pour le compte d'Éditeurs de logiciels


INVENTORY, is developed for manage equipments as laptop, desktop, adaptor, printer. Web-based application, ASP.NET 2005
and SQL server 2005 Service

RETAIN, is developed for manage schedule of each staff for audit department.
Manager can view staff's schedule and order for booking other tasks. Web-based application by ASP.NET 2005
and SQL server 2005 Audit France.

HR management, Time sheet and Pay roll, it is for Human Ressource VB6, .NET, SQL server, Crystal Report. HR France

SENSITIVE OBJECT, Developed Virtual Matrix system. The goal of Virtual Matrix is to implement the
functionalities commonly expected by a touch screen user C++/Linux Commercial Japan

OSDC-COBOL, the code conversion from COBOL to Java Eclipse, NetCOBOL Service France

EMS, is developed for manage package software for export to foreign. Web-based application, ASP.NET 2005
and SQL server 2000 Management
application Viet Nam

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