
Al Farrow Guns and Bullets Sculptures - Sculptures Reliquaires Balistiques

Publié le 20 novembre 2009 par Labulleyago

Al Farrow Guns and Bullets Sculptures - Sculptures Reliquaires Balistiques
Al Farrow est un sculpteur basé dans la région de San Francisco.
Allez découvrir son étonnante série de sculptures intitulée "reliquaires", composées d'armes, de grenades, de balles et autres munitions...
Al Farrow is a sculptor based in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Check out his amazing "Reliquaries" sculptures series created with bullets, guns, hand grenades and ammunitions...
Al Farrow Guns and Bullets Sculptures - Sculptures Reliquaires Balistiques
Al Farrow Guns and Bullets Sculptures - Sculptures Reliquaires Balistiques
Al Farrow Guns and Bullets Sculptures - Sculptures Reliquaires Balistiques
Al Farrow Guns and Bullets Sculptures - Sculptures Reliquaires Balistiques
Al Farrow Guns and Bullets Sculptures - Sculptures Reliquaires Balistiques
Al Farrow Guns and Bullets Sculptures - Sculptures Reliquaires Balistiques
Liens, links:
Al Farrow Reliquaries
Al Farrow
Al Farrow @ Catharine Clark Gallery
Via: Neatorama

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