Here's the story of Marc-Joseph Chalfoun, your Hatha Yoga teacher at Vajra Gym. Come and meet him!

On a Journey
There have been several milestones on my journey through life. Listed below are the ones that have shaped its course.
Awakening To My Spirituality
In 1988, I began studying the Bible with the Jehovah's Witnesses. My life changed dramatically from one of no purpose and direction to one of meaning and structure. I became fully engrossed in the movement, and during the next 6 years I participated in house to house preaching, conducted Bible studies, and gave talks in the congregation.A Sharp Turn Towards Academics
In 1994, after a crisis of conscience, I officially left the organization of the Jehovah's Witnesses. I began an exploration on the literature of cult mind-control and new religious movements, and I returned to school to pursue an academic education. In 1996, I completed a D.E.C. in Social Sciences at Vanier College and finished in the Honour Roll. Several years later I earned a B.A. degree "With Distinction" in Psychology and Religious Studies at Concordia University.Developing A Regular Meditation Practice
After learning Vipassana Meditation and practicing sporadically for a few years, I finally made a commitment on May 12 2003, to practice meditation daily. This happened at a very difficult period in my life during which time my sister was going through a life transforming trial that was touching me deeply. Her ordeal brought home the point that "perception is projection" as everyone around me had conflicting ideas and interpretations that reflected more their values and beliefs than the factual situation. My meditation practice helped me to stay well grounded and focused, and to establish stability and clarity during unsettling, precarious moments. I've been practicing meditation everyday since.Undergoing A Powerful Energy Transformation
In late June of 2004, I participated in a 3 day Mahatma Initiation Similar to the work of shamans who invoke the aid of spirits and guides, the energy ritual helped facilitate the cleansing of my chakra system and prepare the way for new changes. In the following months, people and circumstances were serendipitously appearing in my life and responding to the new energy I was exuding. Perhaps the most special and somewhat magical event occurred on July 24, one month after the initiation. As I was lying on the grass in front of a lake in Vermont, a little baby bird appeared as if out of nowhere and stationed itself on my leg for about a dozen seconds or so. To describe it poetically, it feels like the bird was signaling new beginnings in my life, the most significant one of which developed next with yoga.Integrating Yoga
In October of 2004, I decided to attend what I believed was a beginners information session on yoga with Dr. Bali. Much to my surprise though, the session was for his teacher training course! After attending Dr. Bali's regular drop-in classes throughout the year, I answered destiny's call by enrolling in the teacher training course in October of 2005. Though I was a shy person lacking confidence and terrified of public speaking, the training helped me to find my voice and calling, and to eradicate once and for all the insecurities and addictions I had been struggling with. I completed the certification in March of 2006 and have been teaching ever since.I have come to realize that practicing yoga and meditation is the culmination of my efforts at finding inner peace. And teaching it is the beginning of my life work at truly helping others reach optimal health and wellness. It is the perfect medium to share with you what I have learned and experienced throughout my life.