Magazine Photos


Par Ananda


The immensity of the world extends my body

Someytimes I’m feeeling it

Especially when I’m trembling

It is also trembling

With my thorax, my arms

In the extension of

The felted silence

Which is digging around me

Its crater of emptiness

It’s shivering with

My dispossess body

Suddenly deprived of

All which is not

This bareness

When solitude

Resolutely cleared everything away everywhere

Where the air is next to my skin

I really shudder

And this suffices to set off the waveform and the supreme shaking.

Silence is required :

The propagation is gradually going,

Ain’t it normal ?

Linked. Linked,

That’s what I am

In my geometry

Linked with the stretch lines

Which are going as far as the boundaries,

Beyond the low walls,

The mountains and the roofs

In the spasm of the dusk.

I’m involved in this desertion,

In this seism created by my own spinal cord.

Secret epicentre

Of this shaking

Node where the multiple directions

After meeting on the plexus

Get more and more separated,

Nowadays I am only that :

The full intensity

Crossed, invaded by

The hiccoughs of the space.                                                                              

Patricia Laranco.

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