Magazine High tech

Patch 1.01 pour Napoleonic Battles – Austerlitz et 1.06 pour Squad Battles – Vietnam

Publié le 15 décembre 2009 par Cyberstratege

Squad Battles Vietnam

HPS a mis en ligne deux nouvelles mise à jour. La première sorti il y a quelques jours déjà concerne Campaign Austerlitz et consiste juste en un hotfix corrigeant un bug au niveau de l’infanterie. Le second patch est pour Vietnam de la série Squad Battles, et il ajoute au jeu de nombreuses petites fonctionnalités en plus bien sûr de corriger quelques bugs. Les fichiers se récupèrent respectivement sur cette page et celle-ci du site officiel.


Changes for Vietnam 1.06
- Note: this update has support for the Alternate Graphics option in
the Settings Menu.
- Added Weapons Off option under View Menu to hide discarded weapons on
the map.
- Fix for documentaton regarding wire cutters and mine clearing weapons
to reflect the change that these weapons are now « fired » in their own
hex to attempt to clear obstacles and mines.
- Added a black bar on left side of counter for crews with heavy weapons.
- Added a black bar on the top side of the counter for crews with
engineering weapons (mine clearing or wire clearing).
- Added showing of enemy fire losses for units in the open.
- Added ability to specify multiple sets of AI orders in a scenario.
- Added new Capture victory point feature.
- Added Stun Weapon feature.
- Added weapon timer feature that allows specified weapons to use a timer
and detonate automatically when the timer reaches 0.
- Added an Armor Assault Modifier for vehicles assaulting infantry in
Clear hexes.
- Added ability to move columns of units by holding down the Alt key when
- Added Political Officers (see Leaders Section of Users Manual).
- Added Cratered movement cost and protection values.
- Terrain height in Destroyed hexes is half normal and Destroyed hexes
prevent road movement into them.
- Change so that Demolition and Clearing load effects only affect target
hex when applied to Indirect Fire loads.
- Fix for Bunker/Pillbox facing limitation and helicopter spotting bugs.
- Added option for using alternate graphics when installed (see Options
- Change so that Protection value reported in Hex Info area includes any
hexside features such as Gully or Stream.
- Added a probability to Withdrawals.
- Added a « Hull Down » feature for vehicles which can be added in the
scenario editor and which results in 1/2 fire against those vehicles
when firing on the vehicles from the front and from the ground.
- Fix for some screensavers causing game to go blank.
- Added ability for Objectives to be defined as Collateral with points
awarded for enemy fire into those hexes.
- Added reliability ‘X’ for loads, weapons, and vehicles.
- (Editor) Added ability to specify alternative arrival hexes for
- (OB Editor) Added ability to define Teams as part of a Squad
- (Database Editor) Added ability to list unused loads and vehicle weapons
(see File Menu).

Changes for Campaign Austerlitz 1.01
- Change so that Infantry can melee attack mounted Cavalry in Obstructed terrain.

Changes for Campaign Austerlitz 1.0
- Change so that Artillery Weather effect does not apply to Indirect Fire weapons.
- Added ability to specify that releases cause the units in the specified organization to become Fixed rather than releasing them.
- Added Dragoons to the cavalry types, which can dismount.
- Change so that retreating units cannot overrun Skirmishers in Chateau hexes.
- Added feature to award victory points for supply wagon losses.
- Added ability for weapons to be defined as not having bayonets, which reduces the melee strength of the units carrying them to 1/3 of normal strength.
- Added ability for artillery to be given an indirect fire capability.
- Added a Supply Source feature that can be used with the optional Isolation rule to determine unit Isolation (see Supply section in Users Manual).
- Added ability to put abatis and trenches in a scenario.
- Added separate Bridge Movement value to parameter data.

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