Magazine High tech

Le patch 1.02 pour Field of Glory est sorti!

Publié le 17 décembre 2009 par Cyberstratege

Fields Of Glory

L’adaptation informatisée de la règle de jeu d’Histoire ‘Fields of Glory’ se voit pourvue d’un deuxième patch. Ce patch ajoute de nouvelles fonctions multijoueurs, nouveaux scénarios et corrige quelques bugs. Pas de constructeur d’armée (Army builder) pour le moment mais la fonction est promise par les développeurs.

Téléchargez le patch chez Slitherine.



- Parties privées protégées par mot de passe

- Supprimer les parties. Vous pouvez maintenant supprimer une partie que vous avez lancé.

- 3 Nouveaux scénarios (Gaule Cisalpine/ Armée de départ N°3 Indien-macédonienne/ Invasion de la Macédoine)

- 9 nouvelles unités indiennes

  • Indian Four Horse Heavy Chariot
  • Indian Four Horse Heavy Chariot Commander
  • Indian Elephant
  • Indian Elephant Commander
  • Indian Cavalry
  • Indian Cavalry Commander
  • Indian Bowmen, MF
  • Indian Javelinmen, MF
  • Gallic Soldurii, 2 variations, HF

Bug Fixes (en anglais)

Heraclea Scenario: A pike battlegroup was set as MF.
Scenario Builder: Default all general images to have basic general settings.
Logic: Ranged combat only causes a cohesion test when there are two or more attacker hits.
Rear attack bonus is now applied in all situations except when a light unit is attacking a non-light unit.
Logic: Fragmented units were evading in some situations where they were not allowed to.
Change: Anyone charging LF/LH in the rear to get combat benefits and do reduce their cohesion.
AI: Now waits then re-tries twice before displaying an order error.
Changed the name of ‘Mounted Bow’ to ‘Bow’ in all displays.
Elephant charge sound effect updated.
New file read/write method.
One celtic chariot image was too large.
Some unit VP costs.
Three German warrior figures replaced as their facing was not clear.
Revised help pages to fix mistakes and add detail.
Fixed Crash – Another possible null pointer exception in gamelogic.s.CohesionDieModifier.CombatCohesionTest.
Logic: Fragmented units were still evading in some situations where they were not allowed to.
Fixed crash – In map editor, unit type object is now updated to reflect any change to the unit type enum. This fixes the crash when e.g. changing a mob into a scythed chariot.
Fixed Crash – Net: Crash on decompression and incorrect compression on PowerPC.
Fixed Crash – Null pointer exceptions in gameinstance.Program.folderPathX.
Size of Ancient British generals chariot.
Some units were taking shooting cohesion tests too often.
Fixed Crash – UI: Null pointer exception in uiplayer.RecyclableSound.soundGet.
UI: Out-of-command icons are now always updated in the deployment phase.
UI: Performance slowdown after very many combats have happened in one game, due to excessively long summary.
UI: Text field and text view controls now convert the encoding of keys to be UTF-8 so it supports special characters such as accents in other languages.

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