Magazine High tech

Order of War : patch 1.0.2423

Publié le 19 décembre 2009 par Cyberstratege

Order of War a mis en ligne une nouvelle mise à jour pour Order of War. Ce patch ajoute deux cartes supplémentaires, des nouvelles régles de capture pour le multijoueur, améliore l’IA, affiche les lignes de ravitaillement, ou encore intégre de nouveaux « achievements ». Voyez le changelog pour plus de détails. Le patch n’est semble-t-il disponible actuellement que pour la version Steam.


Gameplay changes

* 2 new maps « Proving Grounds » and « Massive Assault »
* Some improvements in AI behavior were added for Multiplayer
* New rules for capturing Control Points (CP) in Multiplayer battles are introduced. CP starts growing white (neutral) once enemy units enter its range regardless of whether player’s troops are (or are not) within it
* Supply routes of reinforcements are displayed on the map
* Spawn area (SA) is displayed on minimap in the form a blinking icon when a CP is captured. When a player buys reinforcements the game highlights the SA they are coming from
* Multiplayer maps tuned. Some objects were removed, Control Points shifted, passable/non-passable zones balanced.
* Fire Range displayed when new units are purchased or « move » – order is issued


* Leaderboard option that provides full statistics on players’ games, achievements, ranks and positions in overall rating was added to Multiplayer
* Smart automatch feature introduced. The system utilizes Tactical Skill parameter of players to select the most appropriate opponent
* Added support for NVidia 3D stereo (the game can be played well with NVidia Stereo glasses, which is cool feature for personal presentations and PC geeks)


* New achievements for multiplayer added
* All occupied players and games that are in progress are highlighted with special color in Game Lobby
* « Surrender » button was added to the in-game menu instead of « Exit Mission » one
* CSAA option added to graphical settings menu that provides better anti-aliasing performance (NVidia cards only)
* Small visual effects improvements added
* User-friendly mechanism of creating passworded games was introduced

Resolved issues

• Errors leading to game crashes and memory leaks were fixed providing more stable performance.
• Some Save/Load issues fixed.
• Minor issues with graphical options fixed.
• Some issues in Game Lobby fixed.
• Switch to windowed mode caused by popup windows issue fixed.
• Minimap issues (incorrect display of CP’s and some) fixed.
• Some shadow issues fixed.
• Bug with Katushas’s infinite fire fixed.
• Occasional bug with some units refusing to fire across the river fixed.
• Grass maps restored for some locations.
• DX9 and DX10 save files are now compatible.
• M4A3 Sherman characteristic changed ( »76mm »-> »75mm »).
• Bug with paratroopers being unavailable as reinforcement in some mission fixed.
• Bug with wrong nation flag encountered in 2vs2 multiplayer games (with 2 slots closed) fixed.
• Issues with upgrades failing to apply in some missions resolved.
• « The Direct3D device has a non-zero reference count, meaning some objects were not released » error fixed.
• Screenshots now can be taken with anti-aliasing option enabled on machines with Windows Vista.

Known issues

• Problem with detecting some sound cards isn’t resolved yet.
• HDR feature was removed from graphical options menu as unstable.
• « Out of memory error » may still occasionally occur when playing some missions for a long time (especially with PhysX option set to “On” in NVidia control panel).

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