Magazine Focus Emploi

Coca certification

Publié le 19 janvier 2010 par Sylvainbriant

Coca certification

Adam Brown, Head Of Social Media at Coca-Cola.

10 Principles for Online Spokespeople (source DigitalBuzzBlog)

  1. Be Certified in the Social Media Certification Program.
  2. Follow our Code of Business Conduct and all other Company policies.
  3. Be mindful that you are representing the Company.
  4. Fully disclose your affiliation with the Company.
  5. Keep records.
  6. When in doubt, do not post.
  7. Give credit where credit is due and don’t violate others’ rights.
  8. Be responsible to your work.
  9. Remember that your local posts can have global significance.
  10. Know that the Internet is permanent.

The points 6 and 9 are really important and make difference: don’t let the doubt even your are local or global.

If I was responsible for this list I change it in the next 10 points :

  1. Be Certified in the Social Media Certification Program.
  2. Follow our Code of Business Conduct and all other Company policies.
  3. You are representing the Company, disclose your affiliation with the compagny.
  4. Keep records.
  5. When in doubt, do not post, you are responsible to your work.
  6. Give credit where credit is due and don’t violate others’ rights.
  7. Remember that your local posts can have global significance.
  8. Know that the Internet is permanent.
  9. Dont forget to open the discussion.
  10. Give a feedback to the users and taking care to always be respectful and to verify your claims before you decide

Differences ?

I open the discussion to open feedback and social networks opportunities.

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