"Hey, when is summer coming?". This is the great sentence said by : my feet, my coats, my friends, and the whole blogworld! Wow, that's such a great way to start an article, isn't it? No, it isn't. I know. I'm crap at it ^^ Okay, today I want to show you a new awesome creation by the one, the unique MJ! No, I'm not talking about Michael Jackson, but about Marc Jacobs! Ouch...my bank account just died, I'm afraid...! Well, let's create an outfit to fit these lovely sandals!

L'été de Marc! par pois_rouge utilisant Forever21 De gauche à droite // From left to right : Tenue n°1 // Oufit n°1 : I am Mischa Barton. Robe // Dress - Forever21. Echarpe // Scarf - Miss Selfridge. Sac // Bag - Chanel. Bague // Ring - Yves Saint Laurent. Bracelets - Marc by Marc Jacobs.
Tenue n°2 // Oufit n°2 : I am Rachel Bilson. Top - Topshop. Cardigan - Forever21. Short - Woman AE. Boucles d'oreilles // Earrings - Isharya. Bracelet - Givenchy. Sac // Bag - Vanessa Bruno. Non, mais qui a dit que j'étais influencée par Newport Beach??? Who said I was influenced by The OC???