
GoodGuide : Scan barcode on 70 000 products for Health, Environment and Society...

Publié le 01 février 2010 par Ja_fs
GoodGuide : What chemicals are in your baby shampoo? Was sweatshop labor used to make your t-shirt? What products are the best, and what products should you avoid? Increasingly, you want to know about the impacts of the products you buy. On your health. On the environment. On society. But unless you’ve got a Ph.D, it is almost impossible to find out the impacts of the products you buy. Until now…
GoodGuide : Scan barcode on 70 000 products for Health, Environment and Society...
With GoodGuide, you can:
  • Find safe, healthy and green products that protect you and your family
  • Search or browse over 70,000 food, toys, personal care, & household products to see what’s really beneath the label
  • Use expert advice and recommendations on products to quickly learn the impacts of what you buy
  • Find better products and make purchasing decisions based on what’s important to you
  • Create a personalized favorites list with the products that are right for you and your family
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GoodGuide : Scan barcode on 70 000 products for Health, Environment and Society...

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