Magazine Conso

Saradar Offices par PSLAB

Par Muuuz

Saradar Offices par PSLAB

A Beyrouth, l’agence d’architecture et de design PSLAB vient de livrer son dernier projet. Un aménagement intérieur de bureaux où les suspensions lumineuses sculptent l’espace et les plafonds.

Saradar Offices par PSLAB

Saradar Offices par PSLAB

Saradar Offices par PSLAB

Saradar Offices par PSLAB

Saradar Offices par PSLAB

Saradar Offices par PSLAB

Sur ce projet, PSLAB précise:

« Offices made up of three main double volume spaces featuring high glass facades onto

the building central atrium; two symmetrical and identical entrances connected by a

conference room.

We unified these spaces in the way they are perceived from the central atrium.

in the two parallel entrances we created one unifying layer of lighting in the ceiling. this

layer was composed of a set of truncated conical light objects of diverse proportions. each

object houses a lamp deeply fixed inside its cavity. The asymmetrical hole at the bottom of

the conical shape determines the path of light casted. seen from an elevation view, the

rugged outline of these fixtures defines a false ceiling layer creating a surface of ambient


For the conference room we developed a set of suspended fixtures creating a new ceiling

layer. The sharp edge on the disk-like fittings gives the impression of floating sheets, while

the off-centered cavity enclosing two large bulbs reveals the objects’ real massiveness. »

Pour en savoir plus sur PSLAB, visitez leur site.

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