Magazine Musique

Behind the scenes of Alicia Keys video shoot "Put it on the lov song" feat Beyoncé

Publié le 10 février 2010 par Sitalaure
Behind the scenes of Alicia Keys video shoot
Behind the scenes of Alicia Keys video shoot
Behind the scenes of Alicia Keys video shoot
Behind the scenes of Alicia Keys video shoot
Behind the scenes of Alicia Keys video shoot
Behind the scenes of Alicia Keys video shoot
Behind the scenes of Alicia Keys video shoot
Ce tournage au Brésil, a l'air plutôt pas mal, mais ce bronzage là, dites moi !!!!!
Behind the scenes of Alicia Keys video shoot
Behind the scenes of Alicia Keys video shoot
Behind the scenes of Alicia Keys video shoot
Behind the scenes of Alicia Keys video shoot
Behind the scenes of Alicia Keys video shoot
Behind the scenes of Alicia Keys video shoot
Behind the scenes of Alicia Keys video shoot
Behind the scenes of Alicia Keys video shoot
Behind the scenes of Alicia Keys video shoot
Behind the scenes of Alicia Keys video shoot

Behind the scenes of Alicia Keys video shoot
Behind the scenes of Alicia Keys video shoot

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