Magazine High tech

Rise of Prussia : dev diary, part 1

Publié le 12 février 2010 par Cyberstratege

Rise of Prussia

Ageod a publié la première partie des notes de développement pour Rise of Prussia, présentant ici l’une des nouvelles fonctionnalités du jeu, à savoir l’army outliner, soit un outil permettant de s’y retrouver plus facilement au niveau de ses troupes, ou une si vous préférez une sorte de refonte de l’interface, c’est selon. L’article est accompagné par une capture d’écran montrant la répartition des généraux sur le coté de l’écran (l’image se trouve en haute-résolution par ici dans le forum officiel, chez Paradox).

La sortie de Rise of Prussia est prévue début mars prochain, le 9 si tout va bien.


Developer Diary #1 – Rise of Prussia Army Outliner

In our previous games (and if you never played American Civil War, Wars in America or Napoleon’s Campaigns, I warmly recommend you try them, or at least the demo, ROP will be even easier to jump into

Rise of Prussia : dev diary, part 1
), one of the remark we had from players was that it was a tad difficult to identify rapidly how the forces of your nation were organized.
You had to take some time browsing the map, open the ledger and check your force listing… This is part of the pleasure of games revolving around managing the military of a nation, but still, it could benefits from some improvements we believed.

So… we shamelessly ripped the Paradox outliner idea! Hu-oh, no, not that… I mean we ourselves came up with a great idea… to show the army generals on the side of the screen, so you could find very easily who they are and where they are. Added bonus, you have two displays possibilities. In the expanded format (when you see the portrait of the man), you have little diamonds, one for each corps. These diamonds allow you to jump to each corps the army commander has. If you don’t want to see the faces of your leaders at all time (some aren’t much pretty after all), then just click on the little stars, and the general will be displayed as a small and non intrusive bar (which can still be clicked).

Feedback so far is excellent on this feature; you really get into a new scenario much faster with it. Just click on each army commander, and you start to gain understanding of your situation in a mere minute. Then spend a few more detailing what are the corps under their command, and you should have a pretty accurate picture of what’s going on.
But Rise of Prussia interface improvements don’t stop at that, there is another biggy to discuss, not this time though, but very soon!

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