Magazine High tech

Sins of a Solar Empire Diplomacy : patch 1.01

Publié le 20 février 2010 par Cyberstratege

Sins of a Solar Empire Diplomacy

Stardock a mis en ligne une première mise à jour pour Diplomacy, la nouvelle mini-extension pour Sins of a Solar Empire. Au menu optimisation du gameplay (pirates, relations diplomatiques), de l’interface et corrections de divers bugs. Voyez le changelog ci-après pour une liste précise.

Le fichier se récupère directement par le biais d’Impulse.



# Pirates will now prefer planets with 2 or more modules (rather than dead asteroids and the like).
# AI players will offer pacts regardless of their feelings towards the player, as long as the other relationship requirements are met.
# When on a player mission the pirates will no longer stop at the first target owned planet they come across. When on a raid the pirates will try to stop at a sufficiently occupied planet instead of any planet.
# Pirates will always try their best to nuke a planet before leaving. It’s the only way to be sure.
# Relationship penalties have been changed to make them more stable.
# Initial pirate raids are less powerful.
# Pirate gauss guns are less powerful.
# Lowered the rate at which AI players gain diplomatic points.
# Lowered the rate at which the AI relationship bonus increases.
# The various AI difficulties will now gain the AI relationship bonus at different rates.
# Lowered the cooldown on Diplomatic Immunity by 30 seconds.
# You should now be able to target any ally in a free-for-all match for pirate/regular missions, and for pirate bounty.
# Locked teams games will no longer have a diplomatic victory option.
# Increased the penalty for breaking a peace treaty.
# Experience for killing pirates has gone down.
# AI players are now more likely to send pirate missions.
# The pirates now have a unique armor type that will allow them to take less damage from all weapon types.
# Military actions now have a negative cap of -20.


# The quick bounty button will now let you increase the bounty on allies. It will prefer non-allies if any exist;
# Fixed a text placement issue on the game over screen.
# Relationship displays can now be negative.


# Added a data value to game constants (juicy planet threshold) to set the number of modules pirates look for when stopping to attack.
# Fixed an old bug that resulted in AI players offering alliances more often than they should.
# Fixed an issue with some autocast use times.
# Fixed an issue where certain pacts were not functioning properly (most notably the supply pact).
# Fixed a possible crash within the mission system.
# Fixed a bug that might cause the AI to not offer pirate missions.

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