
The Fraud Triangle (Triangle de la fraude)

Publié le 22 février 2010 par Grenierb

«People do not steal because they are just born to steal. In every facet of life where there is criminal activity, there are other factors that create the situation in the first place. Nobody is just born to steal. We are not DNA coded to steal.»

Three elements should be present to determine if your organization is victim of fraud. It consists of three specific conditions generally present when fraud occurs.

The three key elements in the fraud triangle are opportunity, motivation, and rationalization.

Mike Campbell also said that : « The 80/10/10 adage states that 10% of the population is as honest as the day is long. They will not lie, cheat, or steal no matter what the circumstance. Another 10% are crooks and should be behind bars. The other 80% of us, given the right opportunity and the right circumstance will behave unethically. It could be fudging a timesheet, stealing office supplies, or embezzling money.»

What about you?  Are you ready to fight possible Fraud in your organization?  Call me to discuss possible solution and action plan to stop and reduce it.

The Fraud Triangle (Triangle de la fraude)

Another source:  «An analysis of the fraud triangle»

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