En ce premier jour en mer nous avons trouvé de quoi faire. J'ai commencé par aller courir 2 miles sur le pont tandis que mon homme roupillait.
Suite a un bon petit déjeuner face a la mer je l'ai amené pour la première fois de sa vie patiner sur la glace. Et oui, il y avait une petite patinoire sur notre bateau. Les patins étaient pourris mais on c'est quand meme bien amusés.
Vers midi le programme nous avait annonce une réunion qui allait parler des ports et du shopping dans ces lieux. Je pensais que ca nous donnerais des conseils du genre ou aller, que voir, comment se passe le débarquement et embarquement du bateau. Tu parles, il s'agissait d'une heure de promotion de produits de luxe, notamment des bijoux via des compagnies partenaires. Nous avons tenu 15mn.
Je découvrirais plus tard en discutant avec d'autre croisièristes que certains font la croisière uniquement pour se rendre dans la Zone Dorée de Mazatlan et faire du shopping de luxe a bas prix. Ca m'a un peu écœurée.
On this first day at see we found a lot to do. I started by running 2 miles on the deck while my man was sleeping.
Following a good breakfast facing the sea I brought him to ice skate for the first time in his life. And yes, there was a small ice skating rink on our boat. The ice skates were crap but we still had fun.
Around noon the program had announced us there was a meeting to talk about the ports of call and shopping in those locations. I thought it would five us advices such as where to go, what to see, how to get out of the boat. No so much, it was an hour of promoting luxury products, mainly jewelry for partner companies. We lasted 15 minutes
I would later discover by talking with other cruisers that some people go on the cruise only to go to Mazatlan's Golden Zone and do luxury shopping at low prices. I was a bit disgusted.

I made use of the afternoon to relx on the deck and read The Elegance of the Hedgehog

Followed by the surveillance of my nephew and niece in-law. Oh yes, I didn't tell you, during the trip I upgraded to the status of aunt, and you know what? I love it. They're almost 3, with Hawaiian name, twins who won't let you get bored.

We saw a beautiful sunset on the Pacific.

And then we had to change. Indeed it was the formal night, cocktail dress ad suit and tie were on the menu. Photographers had their hands full. Especially with a portrait of our family. Imagine directing two children and eight adults to pose as needed.

We ate a good meal.

Posed for the camera with pretty outfits.

At as we went to bed, to discover with surprise a new inhabitant in our cabin. Cocker-Spaniel? Lamb? The pink dog on Star Wars' Tatooine? Well in any case it seems that it's a tradition on cruises.