Magazine High tech

Patch 1.1 pour Field of Glory

Publié le 06 mars 2010 par Cyberstratege

Fields Of Glory

En même temps que la sortie de son extension ‘Rise of Rome’, l’adaptation informatisée de la règle de jeu d’Histoire ‘Fields of Glory’ passe à la version 1.1. Ce patch corrige certains comportements d’unités, améliore graphiquement leur rendu, leur détail (nombre d’hommes) et ajoute  la possibilité de jouer en multijoueur à un scénario créé grâce à l’éditeur même si l’opposant ne le possède pas.

Téléchargez le patch chez Slitherine.


Changements dans la 1.1.0 (en anglais)

Change: Logic: Medium foot bow take a -1 penalty for shooting if they also moved.
Change: Logic: Terrain effects (particularly disorder).
Change: Logic: Non-combat disorder rules.
Add: Logic: Rout and pursuit moves as a result of a unit being charged in the rear.
Change: Logic: New transient disorder code.
Changed: Logic: Increased number of combat die rolls for scythed chariots.
Change: Logic: Mounted units are now prevented from breaking off if they have an adjacent enemy unit in their rear arc.
Change: Logic: At the end of a player turn, scythed chariots that are adjacent to unbroken enemies and have not moved that player turn are eliminated.
Add: Updated battlegroup points cost
Add: New unit images.
Add: Updated help.
Add: Updated battlegroup validation code.
Add: Ability to toggle steep hillsides in map editor.
Change: Map editor: Popup menu now used to select unit side.
Add: UI: Display of disorder in the default mouse-over POA display.
Change: UI: Different terrain panel layout and hill information.
Change: UI: The colour of a unit’s dot in the minimap is now determined by the unit’s side when using the map editor.
Fix: UI: Font error at startup.
Fix: Possible fix for flickering issue on newer discrete ATI cards.
Change: AI: All units that have a ranged weapon are now treated as skirmishers.
Add: Ability to play custom games in multiplayer.
Add: UI: Help button on the initial menu.
Change: UI: Shorter leader rank names.
Change: UI: Long unit names are now condensed.
Fix: When saving a map, the start turn number of the free deployment scenario was being wrongly set to 1.
Fix: UI: Popup help messages were not appearing on the very first occasion the game was run.

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