- 122 Brilliant and Blinding Blow Outs – http://bit.ly/9oxOSt blow outs can make gr8 portraits (via @phototownship)
- 41 Amazing #Pictures of Pollution in China http://ow.ly/Diy9 (via @GWPStudio) #Environment (via @Flipbooks)
- Want To Succeed As A Photographer? Three Ways To Embrace Change – #photog http://bit.ly/doWFsi (via @photoshoptips)
- Rue89 consacre un article à Jürgen Schadeberg (Polka #8) et son travail sur l’Afrique du Sud http://tinyurl.com/yl6q786 (via @polkamagazine)
- 13 Tips for Photographing Flowers http://bit.ly/4gwWHB #Photography #Tips (via @Flipbooks)
- RT @ccvision: Cool Rising Photography http://is.gd/aSX9u RT @cindyvriend
- RT @DesignerDepot: 20 Awesome Photo Manipulation Tutorials For GIMP http://bit.ly/9jKDFT
- RT @ottokphoto: RT @apshots: Developing Your Photographic Style – http://bit.ly/9DF53A – #photography
- RT @Canonfrance: A toutes les femmes photojournalistes: les inscriptions au Prix Canon de l’AFJ 2010 sont ouvertes! http://bit.ly/c9aNDN
- RT @photofizz: 45 Very Creative fashion portrait photography:Part 1 – http://bit.ly/avjLPV
- RT @exposur3: The Big Picture: World Water Day http://bit.ly/bWcGlf
- New blog post: Exposition au DarQroom Café http://bit.ly/dwn0Ih
- « DR », appellation incontrôlée pour les photographes (Le Monde) http://bit.ly/ab82WN
- Marc Riboud, la photographie buissonnière (La Croix) http://bit.ly/dqF0uh
- Test d’Aperture 3 (MacGeneration) http://bit.ly/bCOF55
- Bien faire une impression en Noir & Blanc http://bit.ly/axIL7d
- RT @fotozine: Vital oil: photographer Ed Kashi captures Nigeria’s toxic legacy – http://bit.ly/d7yurq
- RT @paradepro: Perfectly Capture Glass With Minimal Photo Equipment – http://cot.ag/a3cfmc
- RT @smokinphoto: How to look better in photos http://bit.ly/9vVkIk
- New blog post: Polaroïd le retour des films http://bit.ly/cuFvgt
- New blog post: National Geographic « Earth Explore » http://bit.ly/d0PkZ9
- RT @Phopus: RT @photonaturalist: amazing – bald eagle catches a starling in mid-air – http://bit.ly/8ZiyC6
- RT @Pixelistes: #photo #formation #nu #studio – Formation Shooting – Lingerie avec mannequin International 29/03/10 – http://bit.ly/bppvOC
- RT @richflintphoto: Today’s Pictures: Mafiosi http://goo.gl/fb/e30g /via @magnumphotos
- RT @Katiaphotos: Les lentilles en macro-sub ! #materiel #photo http://bit.ly/cRwnfo
- 80 Ravishing Reflections http://bit.ly/aWK8St
- RT @damienfranco: How to Light Absolutely Anything http://goo.gl/F78s
- RT @paradepro: RT @collis: Fascinating world record photos http://cot.ag/cJhy3Y – really well worth seeing! (via @cameronmoll)
- RT @thomesss: RT @hibernatus: Wahooo ! RT: @diou: La Chapelle Sixtine 360° en Flash http://is.gd/aVT5o (via @colegramist)
- RT @BonPlanPhoto: Calculer facilement sa profondeur de champ, un outil facile a utiliser: http://0z.fr/gHvP1
- RT @fotoblogger: 3 Great Photo blogs I’m Reading Today http://goo.gl/fb/l0Vm
- RT @fotozine: Adobe Photoshop CS5 first look: 12 april 2010 — http://bit.ly/d3SYyV
- RT @artefr: Envoyez votre court métrage avant le 2/07/2010 et gagnez une diffusion sur Arte #courtcircuit http://tinyurl.com/yck3bxc
- RT @photopreneur: photopreneur post: Build a Valuable Photography Collection http://bit.ly/cVgYgF
- RT @richflintphoto: TIME- Sebastian Meyer / Polaris: Smuggling Between Iran and Iraq http://bit.ly/cx3DxD /via @photojournalism
- RT @Katiaphotos: 5 bonnes raisons de perdre son temps sur Flickr | 1point2vue: http://bit.ly/bgELw5 via @addthis
- RT @photoframd: #Canon5D Zacuto announces new Z-Finder models – 3 to pick from Yesterday, Zacuto announced 3 new models http://bit.ly/9iystB
- RT @Emmanuel_Lafont: Blog Scuadra: Comment demander un échange de manuel Nikon http://www.scuadra.fr/blog/?p=68
- RT @reportagephoto: 30 photos panoramique à couper le souffle ; http://minu.me/1wrp
- RT @nicholaspatten: I’d Live Here: What a Mansion in Thailand Looks Like. http://bit.ly/ddlxlI
- RT @AmazingPics: RT @DesignerDepot The World’s Most Beautiful Bridges http://bit.ly/cH7qRY
- RT @AtlzA: [Blog] 10 conseils au photographe de concert en devenir http://goo.gl/fb/ZZg5
- RT @nytimesphoto: Showcase: Exploring relationships between street & city, Ruth Fremson finds signs of love in NYC http://nyti.ms/cNQaw9
- RT @LaBoiteVerte: RT @vincentdidier1 Des appareils photo en papier. http://bit.ly/cVvRdv
- RT @MartinBailey: New post: Podcast 235 : Canon EF 70-200mm F2.8L IS II USM Review – http://bit.ly/9xhczD #photog
- RT @photosil: The Finer Points of Focus | Beyond Megapixels http://ow.ly/1qdkZ #photography
- RT @designfeed: 30 Beautiful Examples of Sepia Photography – http://bit.ly/a7Q2SW
- RT @digphotomoney: 30 Vibrant Examples of Spring Photography | PSDFan: http://bit.ly/avtQbE
- RT @petapixel: 7 common tax mistakes made by photographers: http://j.mp/csl78f
- RT @paradepro: Inspiring Minimalistic Photography > http://cot.ag/bdYC9l
- RT @todorovicmare: 13 Clean Unicode Free Fonts http://bit.ly/ao0KrK
- RT @panospictures: really pleased that Andrew McConnell has won two NPPA awards http://bit.ly/dbfn8J and http://bit.ly/bIMZd1
- RT @Kriisiis: Voici 10 habitudes à prendre pour garantir la qualité et ainsi la pérennité de son blog pro ou perso http://bit.ly/dp4mt8
- RT @extrajection: Strong & intimate #photography essay on the Rwandan genocide by Myriam Abdelaziz (Lens/NYTimes) http://j.mp/c7kfrq
- RT @Canonfrance: INVITATION : Suite à vos demandes, nous ouvrons l’accès à TOUS au Canon Pro Imaging Solutions Lille http://bit.ly/bQ5Tmk
- RT @photojournalism: Guardian – Photographer René Burri’s best shot http://bit.ly/9mJZVE
- RT @tutsplus: How to Capture Emotive Environmental Portraits: http://bit.ly/bdg0Bt
- RT @insidelightroom: RT @barbaricca: New Nikon D3 and D700 calibration profiles for Adobe Camera Raw v2 beta… http://bit.ly/93IErG