Magazine High tech

Superviser RAID Logiciel avec Nagios

Publié le 08 décembre 2009 par Cyrillevis

Salutation !

Petit article rapide pour vous montrer comment superviser un RAID logiciel (RAID soft hein :p) avec Nagios (en considérant que vous avez Centreon, indispeeeennsaaaaableeeee

). Pour se faire on va utiliser check_by_ssh, c’est la solution la plus simple qu’on a trouvé !

Donc tout d’abord sur votre serveur Nagios, vous aller placer un super script Perl récupéré sur la toile :

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# vim:ts=4
# Check RAID status. Look for any known types of RAID configurations, and check them all.
# Return CRITICAL if in a DEGRADED state, since if the whole array has failed you'll have already noticed it!
# Return UNKNOWN if there are no RAID configs that can be found.
# Return WARNING if rebuilding or initialising
# 2004-2006 Steve Shipway, university of auckland,
# Steve Shipway Thanks M Carmier for megaraid section.
# 2009 Elan Ruusamäe 
# License: GPL v2
# Version 1.1 : IPS; Solaris, AIX, Linux software RAID; megaide
# Version 2.0 : Added megaraid, mpt (serveraid), aacli (serveraid)
# Version 2.1 :
# - Made script more generic and secure
# - Added gdth
# - Added dpt_i2o
# - Added 3ware SATA RAID
# - Added Adaptec AAC-RAID via arcconf
# - Added LSI MegaRaid via megarc
# - Added LSI MegaRaid via CmdTool2
# - Added HP/Compaq Smarty Array via cciss_vol_status
# - Added HP MSA1500 check via serial line

use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use vars qw($opt_v $opt_d $opt_h $opt_W $opt_S);
my(%ERRORS) = (OK => 0, WARNING => 1, CRITICAL => 2, UNKNOWN => 3);
my($VERSION) = "2.1";
my($message, $status);

my $sudo = which('sudo');
my $cat = which('cat');

# various RAID tools
my $mpt_status = which('mpt-status');
my $aaccli = which('aaccli');
my $afacli = which('afacli');
my $lsraid = which('lsraid');
my $metastat = which('metastat');
my $lsvg = which('lsvg');
my $ipssend = which('ipssend');
my $tw_cli = which('tw_cli-9xxx') || which('tw_cli');
my $arcconf = which('arcconf');
my $megarc = which('megarc');
my $cmdtool2 = which('CmdTool2');
my $cciss_vol_status = which('cciss_vol_status');

sub print_usage () {
print "Usage: check_raid [list of devices to ignore]\n";
print "   check_raid -v\n";
print "   check_raid -h\n";

sub print_help () {
print "check_raid, v$VERSION\n";
print "Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Steve Shipway, Copyright (c) 2009, Elan Ruusamäe 

This plugin reports the current server's RAID status

# return true if parameter is not in ignore list
sub valid($) {
my($v) = lc $_[0];
foreach (@ignore) {
return 0 if lc $_ eq $v;
return 1;

# Solaris, software RAID
sub check_metastat {

my @CMD = $metastat;
unshift(@CMD, $sudo) if $> and $sudo;

open(my $fh , '-|', @CMD) or return;
while (<$fh>) {
if (/^(\S+):/) { $d = $1; $sd = ''; next; }
if (/Submirror \d+:\s+(\S+)/) { $sd = $1; next; }
if (my($s) = /State: (\S.+)/) {
if ($sd and valid($sd) and valid($d)) {
if ($s =~ /Okay/i) {
# no worries...
} elsif ($s =~ /Resync/i) {
$status = $ERRORS{WARNING} unless $status;
} else {
$status = $ERRORS{ERROR};
$message .= "$d:$sd:$s ";
close $fh;

# MegaIDE RAID controller
sub check_megaide {
my $fh;
foreach my $f () {
if (-r $f) {
open $fh, '<', $f or next;
} else {
my @CMD = ($cat, $f);
unshift(@CMD, $sudo) if $> and $sudo;
open($fh , '-|', @CMD) or next;
while (<$fh>) {
next unless (my($s, $n) = /Status\s*:\s*(\S+).*Logical Drive.*:\s*(\d+)/i);
next unless valid($n);
if ($s ne 'ONLINE') {
$status = $ERRORS{CRITICAL};
$message .= "Megaide:$n:$s ";
} else {
$message .= "Megaide:$n:$s ";
close $fh;

# Linux LVM
sub check_mdstat {
my($n, $f);

open my $fh, '<', '/proc/mdstat' or return;
while (<$fh>) {
if (/^(\S+)\s+:/ ) { $n = $1; $f = ''; next; }
next if (($f) = /(\S+)\[\d+\]\(F\)/);
next unless (my($s) = /\s*.*\[([U_]+)\]/);
next unless valid($n);

if ($s =~ /_/) {
$status = $ERRORS{CRITICAL};
$message .= "md:$n:$f:$s ";
} else {
$message .= "md:$n:$s ";
close $fh;

# Linux, software RAID
sub check_lsraid {
my @CMD = ($lsraid, '-A', '-p');
unshift(@CMD, $sudo) if $> and $sudo;

open(my $fh , '-|', @CMD) or return;
while (<$fh>) {
next unless (my($n, $s) = m{/dev/(\S+) \S+ (\S+)});
next unless valid($n);
if ($s =~ /good|online/) {
# no worries
} elsif ($s =~ /sync/) {
$status = $ERRORS{WARNING} unless $status;
} else {
$status = $ERRORS{CRITICAL};
$message .= "md:$n:$s ";
close $fh;

sub check_vg {
my @CMD = $lsvg;
unshift(@CMD, $sudo) if $> and $sudo;

my @vg;
open(my $fh , '-|', @CMD) or return;
while (<$fh>) {
push @vg, $_;
close $fh;

foreach my $vg (@vg) {
next unless valid($vg); # skip entire VG

open(my $fh , '-|', @CMD, '-l', $vg) or next;

while (<$fh>) {
my @f = split /\s/;
my ($n, $s) = ($f[0],$f[5]);
next if (!valid($n) or !$s);
next if ($f[3] eq $f[2]); # not a mirrored LV

if ($s =~ /open\/(\S+)/i) {
$s = $1;
if ($s ne 'syncd') {
$status = $ERRORS{CRITICAL};
$message .= "lvm:$n:$s ";
close $fh;

# Serveraid IPS
sub check_ips {
my @CMD = $ipssend;
unshift(@CMD, $sudo) if $> and $sudo;

open(my $fh , '-|', @CMD) or return;
while (<$fh>) {
next if (my($n) = /drive number (\d+)/i);
next unless valid($n);
next unless (my($s, $c) = /Status .*: (\S+)\s+(\S+)/);

if ($c =~ /SYN|RBL/i ) { # resynching
$status = $ERRORS{WARNING} unless $status;
} elsif ($c !~ /OKY/i) { # not OK
$status = $ERRORS{CRITICAL};
$message .= "ips:$n:$s ";
close $fh;

# Adaptec ServeRAID
sub check_aaccli {
unless ($aaccli) {
$message .= "aac:aaccli program not found ";
$status = $ERRORS{CRITICAL};

my @CMD = $aaccli;
unshift(@CMD, $sudo) if $> and $sudo;

use IPC::Open2;

my ($read, $write);
my $pid = open2($read, $write, @CMD) or return;
print $write "open aac0\n";
print $write "container list /full\n";
print $write "exit\n";
close $write;
#File foo receiving all output.
#COMMAND: container list /full=TRUE
#Executing: container list /full=TRUE
#Num   Total  Oth Stripe   Scsi   Partition   Creation
#Label Type   Size   Ctr Size   Usage   C:ID:L Offset:Size   State   RO Lk Task   Done%  Ent Date   Time
#----- ------ ------ --- ------ ------- ------ ------------- ------- -- -- ------- ------ --- ------ --------
# 0   Mirror 74.5GB   Open   0:02:0 64.0KB:74.5GB Normal   0  051006 13:48:54
# /dev/sda   Auth   0:03:0 64.0KB:74.5GB Normal   1  051006 13:48:54
#COMMAND: logfile end
#Executing: logfile end
while (<$read>) {
next unless (my ($dsk, $stat) = /(\d:\d\d?:\d+)\s+\S+:\S+\s+(\S+)/);
next unless valid($dsk);
$dsk =~ s/:/\//g;
next unless valid($dsk);
$message .= "aac:$dsk:$stat ";
$status = $ERRORS{CRITICAL} if ($stat eq "Broken");
$status = $ERRORS{WARNING} if (!$status and $stat eq "Rebuild");
$status = $ERRORS{WARNING} if (!$status and $stat eq "Bld/Vfy");
$status = $ERRORS{CRITICAL} if ($stat eq "Missing");
$status = $ERRORS{WARNING} if (!$status and $stat eq "Verify");
$status = $ERRORS{WARNING} if (!$status and $stat eq "VfyRepl");
close $read;

# Adaptec AACRAID
sub check_afacli {
my @CMD = $afacli;
unshift(@CMD, $sudo) if $> and $sudo;

use IPC::Open2;

my ($read, $write);
my $pid = open2($read, $write, @CMD) or return;
print $write "open afa0\n";
print $write "container list /full\n";
print $write "exit\n";
close $write;

while (<$read>) {
if (my ($dsk, $stat) = /(\d:\d\d?:\d+)\s+\S+:\S+\s+(\S+)/) {
next unless valid($dsk);
$dsk =~ s/:/\//g;
next unless valid($dsk);
$message .= "aac:$dsk:$stat ";
$status = $ERRORS{CRITICAL} if ($stat eq "Broken");
$status = $ERRORS{WARNING} if (!$status and $stat eq "Rebuild");
$status = $ERRORS{WARNING} if (!$status and $stat eq "Bld/Vfy");
$status = $ERRORS{CRITICAL} if ($stat eq "Missing");
$status = $ERRORS{WARNING} if (!$status and $stat eq "Verify");
$status = $ERRORS{WARNING} if (!$status and $stat eq "VfyRepl");
close $read;

# LSILogic MPT ServeRAID
sub check_mpt {
unless ($mpt_status) {
$message .= "mpt:mpt-status program not found ";
$status = $ERRORS{CRITICAL};

# status messages pushed here
my @status;

my @CMD = $mpt_status;
unshift(@CMD, $sudo) if $> and $sudo;

open(my $fh , '-|', @CMD, '-s') or return;
while (<$fh>) {
if (my($d, $s) = /^log_id\s*(\d+)\s+(\S+)/) {
next unless valid($d);
if (!$status and $s =~ /INITIAL|INACTIVE|RESYNC/) {
$status = $ERRORS{WARNING};
} elsif ($s =~ /DEGRADED/) {
$status = $ERRORS{CRITICAL};
} elsif (!$status and $s !~ /ONLINE|OPTIMAL/) {
$status = $ERRORS{UNKNOWN};
push(@status, "Logical Volume $d:$s");

if (my($d, $s) = /^phys_id\s*(\d+)\s+(\S+)/) {
next if ($s eq "ONLINE");

# TODO: process other statuses
$status = $ERRORS{CRITICAL};

push(@status, "Physical Disk $d:$s");
close $fh;

$message .= "mpt:".join(', ', @status) if @status;

# MegaRAID
sub check_megaraid {

# status messages pushed here
my @status;

foreach my $f () {
my $fh;
if (-r $f) {
open $fh, '<', $f or next;
} else {
my @CMD = ($cat, $f);
unshift(@CMD, $sudo) if $> and $sudo;
open($fh , '-|', @CMD) or next;
my ($n) = $f =~ m{/proc/megaraid/([^/]+)};
while (<$fh>) {
if (my($s) = /logical drive\s*:\s*\d+.*, state\s*:\s*(\S+)/i) {
if ($s ne 'optimal') {
$status = $ERRORS{CRITICAL};
push(@status, "$n: $s");
close $fh;

$message .= "MegaRAID: ".join(', ', @status) if @status;

# Linux Gdth RAID
# based on check_gdth by Petter Reinholdtsen
sub check_gdth {
# Looking for this text block:
# Logical Drives:
#  Number:   0   Status:   ok
#  Capacity [MB]: 17333   Type:   RAID-1
#  Slave Number:  15   Status:   ok
#  Missing Drv.:  0   Invalid Drv.:   0
#  To Array Drv.: --

# status messages pushed here
my @status;
for my $file () {
open my $fh, '<', $file or return;
my ($controller) = $file =~ m{([^/]+$)};
my @ld;
while (<$fh>) {
last if (/Array Drives:/); # Stop after the Logical Drive block

# Match items from Logical Drivers
if (my($num, $s) = m/^\s+Number:\s+(\d+)\s+Status:\s+(\S+)/) {
if ($s ne "ok") {
$status = $ERRORS{CRITICAL} unless $status;
push(@ld, "$controller,$num:$s");
push(@status, "Logical Drive ".join(', ', @ld)) if @ld;

$message .= "gdth:".join(', ', @status) if @status;

sub check_dpt_i2o {
for my $file () {
open my $fh, '<', $file or return;
my ($controller) = $file =~ m{([^/]+$)};
while (<$fh>) {
next if (my ($c, $t, $l, $s) = m/TID=\d+,\s+\(Channel=(\d+),\s+Target=(\d+),\s+Lun=(\d+)\)\s+\((\S+)\)/);
if ($s ne "online") {
$status = $ERRORS{CRITICAL} unless $status;
$message .= "dpt_i2o:$c,$t,$l:$s ";

# 3ware SATA RAID
# check designed from by:
# Sander Klein 
# Version 20070706
sub check_tw_cli {
my @CMD = $tw_cli;
unshift(@CMD, $sudo) if $> and $sudo;

# status messages pushed here
my @status;

my (@c, $fh);
# scan controllers
open($fh , '-|', @CMD, 'info') or return;
while (<$fh>) {
if (my($c, $model) = /^(c\d+)\s+(\S+)/) {
push(@c, [$c, $model]);
close $fh;

unless (@c) {
$status = $ERRORS{WARNING} unless $status;
$message .= "3ware: No Adapters were found on this machine";

for my $i (@c) {
my ($c, $model) = @$i;
# check each unit on controllers
open($fh , '-|', @CMD, 'info', $c, 'unitstatus') or next;
my @cstatus;
while (<$fh>) {
next unless (my($u, $s, $p) = /^(u\d+)\s+\S+\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/);

if ($s eq 'OK') {
push(@cstatus, "$u:$s");

} elsif ($s eq 'REBUILDING') {
$status = $ERRORS{WARNING} unless $status;
push(@cstatus, "$u:$s $p% ");

} elsif ($s eq 'DEGRADED') {
open(my $fh , '-|', @CMD, 'info', $c, 'drivestatus');
my @ds;
if ($fh) {
my @p;
while (<$fh>) {
next unless (my($p, $s) = /^(p\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+\Q$u\E/);
push(@ds, "$p:$s");
close $fh;
push(@cstatus, "$u:$s (disks: ".join(' ', @ds). ")");
$status = $ERRORS{CRITICAL};
} else {
push(@cstatus, "$u:$_");
$status = $ERRORS{UNKNOWN};
push(@status, "$c($model): ". join(',', @cstatus));
close $fh;

$message .= "3ware: ".join(', ', @status) if @status;

# Adaptec AAC-RAID
# check designed from, Anchor System - 
# Oliver Hookins, Paul De Audney, Barney Desmond.
# Perl port (check_raid) by Elan Ruusamäe.
sub check_arcconf {
my @CMD = $arcconf;
unshift(@CMD, $sudo) if $> and $sudo;

# status messages pushed here
my @status;

# we chdir to /var/log, as tool is creating 'UcliEvt.log'
chdir('/var/log') || chdir('/');

my ($fh, $d);
open($fh , '-|', @CMD, 'GETCONFIG', '1', 'LD') or return;
while (<$fh>) {
$d = $1, next if /^Logical device number (\d+)/;
next unless (my ($s) = /^\s*Status of logical device\s+:\s+(.+)/);
push(@status, "Logical Device $d:$s");
close $fh;

open($fh , '-|', @CMD, 'GETCONFIG', '1', 'AD') or return;
while (<$fh>) {
if (my($s) = /Controller Status\s*:\s*(.*)/) {
if ($s ne 'Optimal') {
$status = $ERRORS{CRITICAL};
push(@status, "Controller:$s");

if (my($s) = /Defunct disk drive count\s:\s*(\d+)/) {
$status = $ERRORS{CRITICAL};
push(@status, "Defunct drives:$s");

if (my($td, $fd, $dd) = m{Logical devices/Failed/Degraded\s*:\s*(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+)}) {
if (int($fd) > 0) {
$status = $ERRORS{CRITICAL};
push(@status, "Failed drives: $fd");
if (int($dd) > 0) {
$status = $ERRORS{CRITICAL};
push(@status, "Degraded drives: $dd");

if (my($s) = /^\s*Status\s*:\s*(.*)$/) {
next if $s eq "Not Installed";

push(@status, "Battery Status: $s");

if (my($s) = /^\s*Over temperature\s*:\s*(.*)$/) {
if ($s ne "No") {
$status = $ERRORS{CRITICAL};
push(@status, "Battery Overtemp: $s");

if (my($s) = /\s*Capacity remaining\s*:\s*(\d+)\s*percent.*$/) {
push(@status, "Battery Capacity: $s%");
if (int($s) < 50) {
$status = $ERRORS{WARNING} unless $status;
if (int($s) < 25) {
$status = $ERRORS{CRITICAL};

if (my($d, $h, $m) = /\s*Time remaining \(at current draw\)\s*:\s*(\d+) days, (\d+) hours, (\d+) minutes/) {
my $mins = int($d) * 1440 + int($h) * 60 + int($m);
if ($mins < 1440) {
$status = $ERRORS{WARNING} unless $status;
if ($mins < 720) {
$status = $ERRORS{CRITICAL};

if ($mins < 60) {
push(@status, "Battery Time: ${m}m");
} else {
push(@status, "Battery Time: ${d}d, ${h}h, ${m}m");
close $fh;

$message .= "arcconf:".join(', ', @status) if @status;

# LSI MegaRaid or Dell Perc arrays
# Check the status of all arrays on all Lsi MegaRaid controllers on the local
# machine. Uses the megarc program written by Lsi to get the status of all
# arrays on all local Lsi MegaRaid controllers.
# check designed from check_lsi_megaraid:
# Perl port (check_raid) by Elan Ruusamäe.
sub check_megarc {
my @CMD = $megarc;
unshift(@CMD, $sudo) if $> and $sudo;

# status messages pushed here
my @status;

# get controllers
open(my $fh , '-|', @CMD, '-AllAdpInfo', '-nolog') or return;
my @lines = <$fh>;
close $fh;

if ($lines[11] =~ /No Adapters Found/) {
$status = $ERRORS{WARNING} unless $status;
$message .= "megarc: No LSI adapters were found on this machine";
my @c;
foreach (@lines[12..$#lines]) {
if (my ($id) = /^\s*(\d+)/) {
push(@c, int($id));
unless (@c) {
$status = $ERRORS{WARNING} unless $status;
$message .= "megarc: No LSI adapters were found on this machine";

foreach my $c (@c) {
open($fh , '-|', @CMD, '-dispCfg', "-a$c", '-nolog') or return;
my (%d, %s, $ld);
while (<$fh>) {
# Logical Drive : 0( Adapter: 0 ):  Status: OPTIMAL
if (my($d, $s) = /Logical Drive\s+:\s+(\d+).+Status:\s+(\S+)/) {
$ld = $d;
$s{$ld} = $s;
# SpanDepth :01   RaidLevel: 5  RdAhead : Adaptive  Cache: DirectIo
if (my($s) = /RaidLevel:\s+(\S+)/) {
$d{$ld} = $s if defined $ld;
close $fh;

# now process the details
unless (keys %d) {
push(@status, "No arrays found on controller $c");
$status = $ERRORS{WARNING} unless $status;

while (my($d, $s) = each %s) {
if ($s ne 'OPTIMAL') {
# The Array number here is incremented by one because of the
# inconsistent way that the LSI tools count arrays.
# This brings it back in line with the view in the bios
# and from megamgr.bin where the array counting starts at
# 1 instead of 0
push(@status, "Array ".(int($d) + 1)." status is ".$s{$d}." (Raid-$s on adapter $c)");
$status = $ERRORS{CRITICAL};

push(@status, "Logical Drive $d: $s");

$message .= "megarc: ".join(', ', @status) if @status;

sub check_cmdtool2 {
my @CMD = $cmdtool2;
unshift(@CMD, $sudo) if $> and $sudo;

# status messages pushed here
my @status;

# get adapters
open(my $fh , '-|', @CMD, '-AdpAllInfo', '-aALL', '-nolog') or return;
my @c;
while (<$fh>) {
if (my($c) = /^Adapter #(\d+)/) {
push(@c, $c);
close $fh;

unless (@c) {
$status = $ERRORS{WARNING} unless $status;
$message .= "CmdTool2: No LSI adapters were found on this machine";

foreach my $c (@c) {
open($fh , '-|', @CMD, '-CfgDsply', "-a$c", '-nolog') or return;
my ($d);
while (<$fh>) {
if (my($s) = /^DISK GROUPS: (\d+)/) {
$d = int($s);

# State: Optimal
if (my($s) = /^State: (\S+)$/) {
if ($s ne 'Optimal') {
$status = $ERRORS{CRITICAL};
push(@status, "Logical Drive $c,$d: $s");

$message .= "CmdTool2: ".join(', ', @status) if @status;

sub check_cciss {
unless ($cciss_vol_status) {
$message .= "cciss:cciss_vol_status program not found";
$status = $ERRORS{CRITICAL};

my @CMD = $cciss_vol_status;
unshift(@CMD, $sudo) if $> and $sudo;

# status messages pushed here
my @status;

# find controllers
#    cciss0: HP Smart Array P400i Controller
#    Board ID: 0x3235103c
#    Firmware Version: 4.06
#    IRQ: 98
#    Logical drives: 1
#    Current Q depth: 0
#    Current # commands on controller: 0
#    Max Q depth since init: 249
#    Max # commands on controller since init: 275
#    Max SG entries since init: 31
#    Sequential access devices: 0
#    cciss/c0d0:   220.12GB   RAID 1(1+0)

my @c;
foreach my $f () {
open my $fh, '<', $f or next;
while (<$fh>) {
next unless (my($s) = m{^(cciss/[^:]+):});
push(@c, "/dev/$s");
close $fh;

unless (@c) {
$status = $ERRORS{WARNING} unless $status;
$message .= "cciss: No Smart Array Adapters were found on this machine";

foreach my $c (@c) {
open(my $fh , '-|', @CMD, $c) or return;
while (<$fh>) {
# /dev/cciss/c0d0: (Smart Array P400i) RAID 1 Volume 0 status: OK.
if (my($s) = /status: (\S+)\./) {
if ($s ne 'OK') {
$status = $ERRORS{CRITICAL};
push(@status, $_);

$message .= "cciss: ".join(', ', @status) if @status;

# check from /sys if there are any MSA VOLUME's present.
sub sys_have_msa {
for my $file () {
open my $fh, '<', $file or next;
my $model = <$fh>;
return 1 if ($model =~ /^MSA.+VOLUME/);
return 0;

sub check_hp_msa {
# TODO: unhardcode out modem dev
my $ctldevice = "/dev/ttyS0";

# status messages pushed here
my @status;

my $modem = new SerialLine($ctldevice);
my $fh = $modem->open();
unless ($fh) {
$status = $ERRORS{WARNING} unless $status;
$message .= "hp_msa: Can't open $ctldevice";

# check first controller
print $fh "\r";
print $fh "show globals\r";
print $fh "show this_controller\r";
print $fh "show other_controller\r";
# this will issue termination match, ie. invalid command
print $fh "exit\r";

my ($c, %c, %t);
while (<$fh>) {
last if /Invalid CLI command/;

# Temperature:
# EMU: 23 Celsius,  73 Fahrenheit
# PS1: 22 Celsius,  71 Fahrenheit
# PS2: 22 Celsius,  71 Fahrenheit
if (my($s, $c) = /(\S+): (\d+) Celsius,\s+\d+ Fahrenheit/) {
$t{$s} = int($c);

# Controller 1 (right controller):
if (my($s) = /^(Controller \d+)/) {
$c = $s;
$c{$c} = [];
# Surface Scan:   Running, LUN 10 (68% Complete)
if (my($s, $m) = /Surface Scan:\s+(\S+)[,.]\s*(.*)/) {
if ($s eq 'Running') {
my ($l, $p) = $m =~ m{(LUN \d+) \((\d+)% Complete\)};
push(@{$c{$c}}, "Surface: $l ($p%)");
$status = $ERRORS{WARNING} unless $status;
} elsif ($s ne 'Complete') {
push(@{$c{$c}}, "Surface: $s, $m");
$status = $ERRORS{WARNING} unless $status;
# Rebuild Status: Running, LUN 0 (67% Complete)
if (my($s, $m) = /Rebuild Status:\s+(\S+)[,.]\s*(.*)/) {
if ($s eq 'Running') {
my ($l, $p) = $m =~ m{(LUN \d+) \((\d+)% Complete\)};
push(@{$c{$c}}, "Rebuild: $l ($p%)");
$status = $ERRORS{WARNING} unless $status;
} elsif ($s ne 'Complete') {
push(@{$c{$c}}, "Rebuild: $s, $m");
$status = $ERRORS{WARNING} unless $status;
# Expansion:   Complete.
if (my($s, $m) = /Expansion:\s+(\S+)[.,]\s*(.*)/) {
if ($s eq 'Running') {
my ($l, $p) = $m =~ m{(LUN \d+) \((\d+)% Complete\)};
push(@{$c{$c}}, "Expansion: $l ($p%)");
$status = $ERRORS{WARNING} unless $status;
} elsif ($s ne 'Complete') {
push(@{$c{$c}}, "Expansion: $s, $m");
$status = $ERRORS{WARNING} unless $status;

foreach $c (sort { $a cmp $b } keys %c) {
my $s = $c{$c};
$s = join(', ', @$s);
$s = 'OK' unless $s;
push(@status, "$c: $s");

# check that no temp is over the treshold
my $warn = 28;
my $crit = 33;
while (my($t, $c) = each %t) {
if ($c > $crit) {
push(@status, "$t: ${c}C");
$status = $ERRORS{CRITICAL};
} elsif ($c > $warn) {
push(@status, "$t: ${c}C");
$status = $ERRORS{WARNING} unless $status;

$message .= "hp_msa: ".join(', ', @status) if @status;

sub which {
my $prog = shift;

my @paths = split /:/, $ENV{'PATH'};
unshift(@paths, qw(/usr/local/nrpe /usr/local/bin /sbin /usr/sbin /bin /usr/sbin));

for my $path (@paths) {
return "$path/$prog" if -x "$path/$prog";
return undef;

sub find_file {
for my $file (@_) {
return $file if -f $file;
return undef;

sub sudoers {
# build values to be added
my @sudo;
push(@sudo, "CHECK_RAID ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: $ipssend getconfig 1 LD\n") if $ipssend;
push(@sudo, "CHECK_RAID ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: $aaccli container list /full\n") if $aaccli;
push(@sudo, "CHECK_RAID ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: $tw_cli info*\n") if $tw_cli;
push(@sudo, "CHECK_RAID ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: $mpt_status -s\n") if $mpt_status and -d "/proc/mpt";
push(@sudo, "CHECK_RAID ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: $cat /proc/megaide/0/status\n") if -d "/proc/megaide/0";
push(@sudo, "CHECK_RAID ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: $cat /proc/megaide/1/status\n") if -d "/proc/megaide/1";
push(@sudo, "CHECK_RAID ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: $arcconf GETCONFIG 1 *\n") if $arcconf;
push(@sudo, "CHECK_RAID ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: $megarc -AllAdpInfo -nolog\n") if $megarc;
push(@sudo, "CHECK_RAID ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: $megarc -dispCfg -a* -nolog\n") if $megarc;
push(@sudo, "CHECK_RAID ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: $cmdtool2 -AdpAllInfo -aALL -nolog\n") if $cmdtool2;
push(@sudo, "CHECK_RAID ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: $cmdtool2 -CfgDsply -a* -nolog\n") if $cmdtool2;
foreach my $mr () {
push(@sudo, "CHECK_RAID ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: $cat $mr\n") if -d $mr;

if ($cciss_vol_status) {
my @c;
foreach my $f () {
open my $fh, '<', $f or next;
while (<$fh>) {
next unless (my($s) = m{^(cciss/[^:]+):});
push(@c, "/dev/$s");
close $fh;
foreach my $c (@c) {
push(@sudo, "CHECK_RAID ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: $cciss_vol_status $c\n");

unless (@sudo) {
print "Your configuration does not need to use sudo, sudoers not updated\n";

my $sudoers = find_file('/usr/local/etc/sudoers', '/etc/sudoers');
my $visudo = which('visudo');

die "Unable to find sudoers file.\n" unless -f $sudoers;
die "Unable to write to sudoers file.\n" unless -w $sudoers;
die "visudo program not found\n" unless -x $visudo;
die "cat program not found\n" unless -x $cat;

print "Updating file $sudoers\n";

# NOTE: secure as visudo itself: /etc is root owned
my $new = $sudoers.".new.".$$;

# setup to have sane perm for new sudoers file

# insert old sudoers
open my $old, '<', $sudoers or die $!;
open my $fh, '>', $new or die $!;
while (<$old>) {
print $fh $_;
close $old or die $!;

# setup alias, so we could easily remove these later by matching lines with 'CHECK_RAID'
# also this avoids installing ourselves twice.
print $fh "\n";
print $fh "# Lines matching CHECK_RAID added by $0 -S on ", scalar localtime, "\n";
print $fh "User_Alias CHECK_RAID=nagios\n";
print $fh @sudo;

close $fh;

# validate sudoers
system($visudo, '-c', '-f', $new) == 0 or unlink($new),exit $? >> 8;

# use the new file
rename($new, $sudoers) or die $!;

print "$sudoers file updated.\n";


GetOptions("v" => \$opt_v, "version" => \$opt_v,
"h" => \$opt_h, "help" => \$opt_h,
"d" => \$opt_d, "debug" => \$opt_d,
"S" => \$opt_S, "sudoers" => \$opt_S,
"W" => \$opt_W, "warnonly" => \$opt_W

if ($opt_S) {
exit 0;

@ignore = @ARGV if @ARGV;

if ($opt_v) {
print "check_raid Version $VERSION\n";
exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
if ($opt_h) {
exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
if ($opt_W) {

$status = $ERRORS{OK};
$message = '';

check_gdth if -d "/proc/scsi/gdth";
check_megaide if -d "/proc/megaide";
check_mdstat if -f "/proc/mdstat";
check_mpt if -d "/proc/mpt";
check_dpt_i2o if -d "/proc/scsi/dpt_i2o";
check_megaraid if -d "/proc/megaraid";
check_aaccli if -d "/proc/scsi/aacraid";
check_afacli if $afacli;
check_lsraid if $lsraid;
check_metastat if $metastat;
check_vg if $lsvg;
check_ips if $ipssend;
check_tw_cli if $tw_cli;
check_arcconf if $arcconf;
check_megarc if $megarc;
check_cmdtool2 if $cmdtool2;
check_cciss if -d "/proc/driver/cciss";
check_hp_msa if sys_have_msa;

if ($message) {
if ($status == $ERRORS{OK}) {
print "OK: ";
} elsif ($status == $ERRORS{WARNING}) {
print "WARNING: ";
} elsif ($status == $ERRORS{CRITICAL}) {
print "CRITICAL: ";
} else {
print "UNKNOWN: ";
print "$message\n";
} else {
$status = $ERRORS{UNKNOWN};
print "No RAID configuration found.\n";
exit $status;

package SerialLine;
# Package dealing with connecting to serial line and handling UUCP style locks.
use strict;
use Carp;

sub new {
my $self = shift;
my $class = ref($self) || $self;
my $device = shift;

my $this = {
lockdir => "/var/lock",
lockfile => undef,
device => $device,
fh => undef,

bless($this, $class);

sub lock {
my $self = shift;
# create lock in style: /var/lock/LCK..ttyS0
my $device = shift;
my ($lockfile) = $self->{device} =~ m#/dev/(.+)#;
$lockfile = "$self->{lockdir}/LCK..$lockfile";
if (-e $lockfile) {
return 0;
open(my $fh, '>', $lockfile) || croak "Can't create lock: $lockfile\n";
print $fh $$;

$self->{lockfile} = $lockfile;

sub open {
my $self = shift;

$self->lock or return;

# open the device
open(my $fh, "+>$self->{device}") || croak "Couldn't open $self->{device}, $!\n";

$self->{fh} = $fh;

sub close {
my $self = shift;
if ($self->{fh}) {
unlink $self->{lockfile} or carp $!;

my $self = shift;

On l’enregistre et on le place dans /root/

Dans Centreon :
Configuration>Commands :
On créée une entrée check_raid.
Son nom, baaah check_raid :p
Puis la ligne de commande à exécuter :

$USER1$/check_by_ssh -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -lroot -C "/root/"

Ensuite configuration>Services
On va dans templates :
On ajoute une entrée :
Check-raid pour le nom
Ce sera un generic-service.
Le check Command : Ici on met check_raid

On save


Ensuite Onglet, Services by hosts

J’ajoute une entrée : check-raid

Description Check-raid
Service template : check-raid (précédemment créé


Dans l’onglet Relations, j’ajoute la machine à superviser.

Voilà une configuration très simplifier, vous pouvez adapter à vos besoins et trifouiller les options disponibles dans Centreon.


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Cyrillevis 1 partage Voir son profil
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