Magazine High tech

Patchs : Operation Barbarossa 1.20, winSPWW2 4.25, SotS Argos Naval Yard 1.72, Mexican American War 1.02

Publié le 21 avril 2010 par Cyberstratege

Sword of the Stars Argos Naval Yard

Résumé des derniers patchs mis en ligne. Scénarios bonus et optimisation de l’éditeur de scénarios pour Operation Barbarossa, diverses petites améliorations pour winSPWW2, nombreux ajustements et corrections de bugs pour Sword of the Star Argos Naval Yard, et patch mystère pour Mexican American War.


Operation Barbarossa – the struggle for Russia 1.20


* Three new singleplayer scenarios (« Germany – Berlin 1945″, « Germany – Minsk 1941″, « Russia – 3rd Battle of Ladoga »)
* Additional terrains for creating maps with seas and large lakes.
* Expanded modder possibilities with NATO symbols for Italy and Great Britain.
* New menu for adjusting the speed of mouse button clicks, key clicks and scroll wheel.

En téléchargement depuis cette page chez Matrix.


winSPWW2 version 4.25

Mini Upgrade Patch:
4 Revised Scenarios and 2 revised scenario text files
10 New or revised photos
1 New Icon
36 Updated OOB files
2 Revised Graphic files
1) The code was reworked to correct erroneous error messages appearing when playing basic security PBEM. This was the main reason for issuing the patch but we included work we had done in other areas of the game as well and had planned to hold for a later release
2) Various OOB corrections including:
- Nimbus MC added to Blue OOB
- M24 Chaffee front turret armour set to 4 in all OOB’s
- Russian 152mm arty re-organized with corrected photos and stats
- Boyes AT rifles range increased to 13 giving them more correct penetration at various ranges
- Bazooka and Panzerschreck accuracy reduced to 4 and now match accuracy values in winSPMBT and better
reflect their actual performance
3) Further corrections to ensure all units and weapons of the same type have the same ratings from OOB to OOB
4) New infantry flame graphics added As usual we remind everyone that on going secure PBEM games WILL fail if this patch is applied while they are being played. If you are currently involved in a secure PBEM game DO NOT upgrade your game as the game will fail if applied. Both parties should wait until the game is over and then upgrade.

En téléchargement depuis cette page chez Shrapnel Games.


Sword of the Stars – Argos Naval Yard 1.72

Download: available via auto-update


1- Fixed issue where the same tech could be offered for a science project more than once.
2- Fixed issue where fleet icons were not displayed in the correct position on the star map.
3- Fixed very long ship loading time on some 64 bit windows platforms
4- Fixed issue with VN Berserker Disc is not tracking.
5- Fixed Combat AI defender circling planet needlessly.
6- Fixed bug where bribing an AI player set to Defend did not appear to improve relations.
7- Fixed defender spawning in atmosphere of planet.
8- Fixed AI jumping in and out of diplomatic states too frequently.
9- Fixed issue where tracking weaponswould circle target center point endlessly.
10- Docking assault shuttles no longer freeze the application for a noticeable period.
11- Fixed crash when launching a Grouped Teams game where one or more team has a single player.
12- Shields no longer persist after protectorate ship is destroyed.
13- Fixed Progression Wars crash when sending a scuttling ship with the convoy.
14- Fixed Progression Wars crash on the turn that a Grand Menace occurs.
15- Fixed grouped teams not appearing next to each other on custom maps.
16- Fixed crash when accessing design screen as Zuul after researching Drones.
17- Political map no longer shows undiscovered player icons.
18- Various ship section and weapon bug fixes.
19- Fixed various ships section art issues.
20- Fixed issues where long descriptions would not scroll correctly in text boxes.
21- Fixed bug where a player could fall into huge debt very quickly.
22- Fixed some tech tree textures.
23- Fixed ER ships moving without engines


1- Star systems can now be colonized if cease fire race is in system as well. WARNING: COMBAT WILL RESULT
2- AI’s will consider NAP when they break Alliance instead of going to war footing as default.
3- Dumbfire missile behavior in simulated combat more in line with reality.
4- No longer allowed to board intangible enemy ships.
5- Tarka Hunters no longer exploitable.
6- Tweaks to AI research priorities.
7- Pathing around DN’s now improved.
8- More accurate bounding spheres for Liir and Morrigi Dreadnoughts
9- Point Defense weapons and Dumbfire Missiles now excluded from Strafe sections.
10- AI now places greater priority on finishing off small empires.
11- Ships in pursuit stance now follow targets more closely.
12- Tarka Hunters nol onger replaced by repair ships.
13- Alterations to some Impactor sections.
14- Liir Propaganda ship now « Propagandizes »
15- Changes to some races asteroid monitor loadouts.
16- Railcannons now an Anti-matter era tech.


1- 50 victory badges for Zuul and Morrigi
2- INI setting to prevent modification of hardware gamma levels.
3- Mini-Cluster Map
4- Cubes Map
5- Map type can now be selected for the Land Grab scenario.

Téléchargement automatique ou via Gamersgate.


Early American : Mexican-American War 1.02

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