Amnesty International est l'une des ONGs les plus actives en termes d'actions, de sensibilisation et de communication. Présente dans plus de 50 pays et influente mondialement, la communication de l'organisation tente d'attirer l'attention du public par tous les supports d'information: après la TV et les places publiques, Amnesty s'attaque au web.

To form a global community of Human Rights defenders, making the contact between the public and Amnesty’s promoting causes easier. With the visibility inherent to these social networks, Amnesty hopes to get more support to its causes. This being, calls upon everyone to embrace this digital tool which updates the current situation of countries led by these tyrants. With this Amnesty is trying to generate a wider awareness of the various atrocities that are committed all over the world. The participation of all those who are already actively involved in these causes is essential in order to complement it with information, news, and, not least, reports of living experiences.
- After having realised some ambient campaigns, is it a goal to enter the dimensions of social media ?
Social Media is the main goal from Amnistia International to 2010.
- Is Tyrannybook only an online work or does the agency plan to integrate around other campaigns (ambient, tv etc...) ?
It’s Only an online campaign.
- Have you already received some feedbacks from people about the message ?
It is too early, but we had some good comments.
Après quelques jours, un public européen semble avoir répondu à l'appel d'Amnesty International. A voir de quelle manière cette communauté évoluera, je pense dorénavant que beaucoup applaudiront l'initiative d'une des meilleures agences européennes, dont le département créatif est sous les ordres de Chacho Puebla.
Sources: Leo Burnett Lisboa, Amnesty International, Ads of the World