Mais la semaine derniere on a decide de l'ouvrir et de gouter. C'est bien simple ca avait gout de limonade a la peche. Les 4% d'alcool sont passe inconito, c'est la qu'Hubby m'a dit que c'est pour ca que les garcons en donnent aux filles a l'universite. C'est l'une des boissons preferees des etudiants du fait de son cout peu élevé.
A priori le gout le plus populaire c'est Strawberry Hills, mais est-ce pour le gout ou pour les 7% d'alcool? Il existe 28 differents parfums a l'heure actuelle.
Ils ont meme un fan club.
Mon avis? Je prefere m'acheter une bonne limonade, ou alors une bonne biere, mais c'etait bon pour ce que c'etait. A ne pas laisser a la porter des enfants qui ne sentirons pas plus l'alcool passer que ces demoiselles.
In France with have the Panaché or the Demi-Peche. When I explained it to Hubby, great beer lover, he made a face. And yet they have something similar: the products from Boone's Farm. It called a wine or a malt beverage (depending on the States if I understand right). We won a bottle of Fuzzy Navel for Christmas. Following the description given of the mentionned product I only had one wish: to give it away!
But last week we decided to open it and taste it. It's quite simple, it tastes like peach soda. The 4% of alcohol came by unnoticed, that's when Hubby told me that's why guys give it to girls in College. It's a favorite for students because of the ligth alcohol but mainly the cheap price tag.
It seems that the most popular flavor is Strawberry Hills, but is it for the taste or for the 7% alcohol content? There are 28 different flavors at this time.
They even have a fan club.
My opinion? I'd rather buy a good soda, or a good beer, but it was good for what it was. Keep away from children as they won't feel the alcohol anymore than the ladies.