It's been a long time since i disappear from the web (or nearly because i participated at some press representation). Why did i disapear ? Final examns... I have to concentrate a little bit on my studies to come back to you in a fresh mood and a lots in head !! Studying doesn't necessary mean living far from 2.0's word. Some of you followed me on Twitter ( here ) or on Facebook's Fan Page ( here ). You know what to do next time ..

Toute cette gamme est faite pour nous permettre de nous relaxer tout en douceur et en beauté. La crème des Anges vient s'appliquer matin et soir (on en profite pour respirer un grand coup pour nous relaxer) avec sa composition canneberge (anti-oxydant et hydratant), extraits de lin (anti-oxydant et hydratant encore une fois mais aussi aide à combattre le stress), et enfin, du karité (contre les rides).
All products are made in order do relax ourselves quietly and with a touch of beauty. The Angels' cream to put in morning and the night on your face ( take a deep breath in the same time to relax yourself) is composed with cranberry ( antioxidant and moisturizing ), linen extracts (antioxidant and moisturizing but helpful too for the stress), and finally, shea-tree (against wrinkles).

Le Gel vert, quant à lui, est un masque et non vous ne vous transformerez pas en Shrek le temps d'une nuit. Aux principes d'Aloés, calendula et palma rosa, ce masque va venir apaiser les irritations et booster l'éclat de votre teint.
The Green Frost is a mask and you definetly won't transform in Shrek during the night. It's composed with Aloes, canlendula and palma rosa in order to calm the irritations and booster the brightness of your complexion.

The final one is the Mist of Morpheus but, instead of the others, you can't put it on your skin but on a linen, on your pillow or to spread in your room. Composed with lavender and geranium, this mist contributes to the relaxation and to balance the feelings to plunge you directly into the arms of Morpheus...
La question que vous vous posez toutes est "est-ce que ça marche ?" Et moi je vous réponds : je l'ai essayé pendant mes partiels et je peux vous dire que le résultat est spectaculaire. On voit une nette différence avant/après et ce, dès la première utilisation. Tout ça pour vous dire que j'ai adoré !!
The question is "does it work ?" And my answer is : i tested it during exams and i can tell you that the result is prodigious. We can see a difference between before and after since the first utilisation. To put in a nut shell : i adore it !!
OfficinaUrban Therapy
Crème des Anges - Angels' cream , 60 ml22,25€
Gel vert - Green Frost, 60ml22,25€
Brume de Morphée - Mist of Morpheus, 130ml15,10€
Point de vente : Pharmacie du Palais, 33 rue Vaugirard 75006 PARIS