Magazine Conso

Karl Lagerfeld

Publié le 02 juin 2010 par Lnvb

After a teddy bear at his effigy, an island paradise off the coast of Dubai, Karl Lagerfeld works on Coca cola bottle, anf for the optician Optic 2000.

Karl Lagerfeld

Afetr Sonia Rykiel and Manolo Blahnik, Coca-cola worked with one of the greatest fashion designer . The Coca Cola Light aluminum bottle is dressed up in Karl Lagerfeld’s side profile silhouette. The box set comes housed in a specially designed box which looks like a closet, with a discreet drawer hiding an accompanying bottle opener. You can buy the box set will at colette (Paris).   
Karl Lagerfeld
  Karl Lagerfeld was also associated with opticians Optic 2000 to create a collection of sunglasses and optical, available from June 1st until August 31st.The fashion designer has been surrounded by Christian Roth and Eric Domège. Consisting of 55 models, the glasses will be produced in several versions. This line will offer high material quality. A promotional film in black and white, made from photos taken by Karl Lagerfeld is broadcast on the internet since 1 June.

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