Last tuesday i went to a private party for bloggers organized by Mixa, Avenue Eylau in Paris in a private appartement. The subject was an avant premiere that i absolutly want to share here : the second part of organic range that will be market next august.

C'est sous l'impulsion d'Estelle Lefébure que Mixa s'intéressa au bio. On retrouve ainsi depuis 2009 une gamme bio hydratante pour le visage et une crème pour les mains. Cette fois, Mixa sort (ou plutôt, sortira) une ligne de démaquillage, un hydratant pour le corps ainsi qu'une gamme bio anti-âge. Que de promesses !
It is at instigation of Estelle Lefébure that Mixa was interested in bio. Since 2009 we could find a bio series moisturizing for face and a hands' cream. This time, Mixa market (or will market) A line of make-up removal, a moisturizer for the body as well as an anti-ageing organic range.

In the make-up removal series we find a water make-up remover, a cleansing milk moisturizing as well as a tonic moisturizing refreshing. Consisted of green tea for the detox side and aloe vera for its moisturizing assets, this range is not only organic but was also created for the sensitive skins. Its extra ? Its quite soft price : 4,89€ (on sale in hypermarkets).
What can I say about it ? Normally, I have a very reactive skin, but I was really surprised not only with the texture but also that i didn't react at all, what is far from being the case of certain creams that I buy sometimes.
Suddenly , I met during Le Petit Marseillais' party (I will speak about it next time) some bloggers had made reactions to these creams with a push of acne while, usually, they have it in no way. How to explain this difference of reactions in front of this new series ? I don't really know...

Après l'avoir testé, je peux vous dire que ma peau de crocodile dure et acariâtre l'aime bien, même si je reste une addict inconditionnelle de Nivea (désolée Mixa.. ).
Certains retour de bloggueuses en revanche, font mention du temps que l'on peut attendre avant que la crème veuille bien pénétrer, ce qui reste embêtant lorsqu'on est pressée.
The moisturizing milk for the body is composed with oil of apricot, shea butter, green tea as well as aloe vera. The extra, which is added to the soft price practised by Mixa which is 5,89€, is that there is no of deadline between waiting for the penetration of the moisturizing milk and the moment when we thread clothes before going to work.
After having tested it, I can told you that my crocodile's skin which is grumbling and hard, likes it, even if I remain an unconditional addict of Nivea (sorry Mixa).
Some bloggers mention the time that we can wait before the cream wants to penetrate, what remains annoying when we are in a hurry.

Deux matières premières servent de base à cette gamme anti-age : huile d'argan (aux vertus hydratantes) et calcium++. Sa texture aux allures cocooning et son parfum composé d'une note de tête aux accents d'agrumes d'une note de coeur d'ylang-ylang et note de fond de sental est un petit plaisir pour les peaux mâtures là encore, à petits prix puisque la base de pris tourne autour de 7,90€.
Ce que j'en dis ? Je n'ai pas testé cette gamme car j'avoue ne pas me sentir vraiment concernée par les problèmes de rides, j'ai encore du temps devant moi pour ça.
The last presented range is the anti-ageing products where we can find a day skincare, a night skincare, and an eye contour care. Even there, it will be released only in August and aims at the women around fifty years old because creams have not for ultimate purpose to erase wrinkles but to restore some elasticity in your skin as well as a plumping effect, and not a peeling of surface.
Two raw materials are of use as base to this anti-ageing series: argan oil (for the moisturizing assets) and calcium ++. Its texture is a cocooning one and its perfume consisted in a note of head with touches of citrus fruits, a note of heart of ylang-ylang and a thorough note of sental which is a small pleasure for mats' skins and even there, small prices : 7,90€. What can I say about it? I didn't test these anti-ageing products because I admit not to feel really concerned by the problems of wrinkles, I still have time in front of me for that.
Et vous, vous laisserez-vous tenter par Mixa bio ? And you, will you be tempt by Mixa organic?
Mixa bio - sortie officielle : août 2010Mixa organic - official release : august 2010