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Battles from the Bulge : AAR de la bataille pour Bastogne

Publié le 24 juin 2010 par Cyberstratege

Battles from the Bulge

Vous trouverez sur The Wargamer un long rapport de bataille présentant le scénario Battle of the roadblocks de Combat Ops Battles from the Bulge, autrement dit les combats ayant eu lieu dans la région de Bastogne alors que les américains tentaient de repousser la percée de trois divisions allemandes. Cet AAR en trois parties (pour l’instant) est abondamment illustré et vous permettra de suivre heure par heure, ou presque, le déroulement des combats.

La première partie se consulte directement ici.

As I peruse the list of scenarios I quickly see a short one I haven’t played before, Battle of the Roadblocks.  This game is only two days, 12 hours long and that’s exactly what I’m looking for.  I fire it up.  It’s an historical scenario.  The US is trying to stop the advance of the three German divisions along its central front, the inexperienced 9th Division is thrown in front of the Germans to try and stop them.  It’s a race to Bastogne.

The next decision is which side to take.  The scenario description doesn’t give any guidance so I have to assume that both sides are more or less equally balanced.  The question is simply which side.  Given that historically the Germans surrounded Bastogne I decide I’ll try my hand as the Americans, hoping it might prove more of a challenge.  I leave the rest of the scenario settings to the default: normal supply and reinforcements for both sides, historical weather, and realistic order delay.  Then we begin.

My first glimpse of the map makes things crystal clear.  The map runs east to west and along a north-south axis on the western edge are Noville and Bastogne, which I must hold.  Reinforcements in the form of the 101st and 10th Armored Division will arrive later today but in the mean time I see precious few units standing before a vicious German spearhead.  My first order of business to determine what units I have.  I will be paying particular attention to any armored and artillery units; artillery is king of battle in this game, and a well-placed artillery barrage can make or break an assault.

The first thing I notice is that my B Battery of the 109th Battalion is a battery of 105mm howitzers…that are far too close to the front line.

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