Magazine Internet

TeeChart for PHP Open Source

Publié le 02 juillet 2010 par Marie

Steema is proud to announce the new free, open source version for non-commercial use, of TeeChart for PHP, the native Charting component library for PHP developers.

The new version is downloadable with full PHP source code included at Steema, meaning that no loader or plug-in are necessary in order to make it work, thus helping developers with the task of posting the scripts to their hosting servers. This also permits customisation of any part of the code if required.
If you require to run TeeChart in a commercial environment, or would like access to Steema's managed support environment, a Registered Pro version is available. Steema will be maintaining and adding more features to the registered version in upcoming releases.

Check the list of features and specifications here.

Proposé par Steema Software

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