Slitherine a annoncé récemment l’arrivée prochaine de Battlefield Academy, un jeu de stratégie en tour par tour prenant pour cadre la Seconde Guerre Mondiale, inspiré d’un concept de jeu en flash jouable en ligne imaginé par la chaine britannique BBC.
Battlefield Academy proposera six armées jouables (Allemagne, Italie, Pologne, Grande Bretagne, USA et Canada) au travers de trois campagnes, pour plus de 30 batailles différentes au total. Un système de gain d’expérience sera présent permettant aux unités de monter en grade et obtenir de nouvelles capacités. Un mode multi-joueurs basé sur un système de jeu par e-mail sera présent, de même que la possibilité de créer ses propres cartes et scénarios grâce à un éditeur permettant de modifier jusqu’à l’interface de jeu.
Les quelques captures d’écrans accompagnant cette annonce nous présentent un habillage façon bande dessinée venant illustrer les différentes batailles historiques.
Battlefield Academy sera lancé le 21 juillet prochain, en version dématérialisée exclusivement sur PC. Les pré-commandes sont ouvertes sur le site de Slitherine à cette adresse.

Slitherine to launch new battlefield strategy game
A turn-based strategy game like no other will be landing soon at the Slitherine store.
Approachable, absorbing and visually impressive yet detailed, Battlefield Academy aims to revolutionize the strategy games market with a blend of intuitive design and compelling game play driven by cutting edge technical innovation.
Inspired by an original online game concept devised by the BBC, the game has more than 30 battles in a range of theatres of war from the North African desert through D-Day to the to the snowy Ardennes mountains where the Allies battled to repel the final German offensive.
The team at Slitherine worked with Professor John Buckley, Military Historian at the University of Wolverhampton and a keen wargamer himself, to make sure that the strategy, tactics, scenarios and available firepower of the battles fought in WW2 were turned into realistic AI behavior, powering expertly crafted battles.
The game engine is also completely script-driven, allowing players to create their own missions and scenario in a simple and effective way.
The revolutionary server-based Play by E-Mail Slitherine system completes the package, for a gaming experience that will certainly please both hard core wargamers and newcomers.
The game is now available for pre-order at
· Control British, US, Polish, Canadian, Italian & German forces in 3 epic campaigns covering more than 30 varied battles.
· Select from a vast array of equipment including 100 units from 6 nations – Shermans, Fireflys, Panthers, Tigers, Stukas, Hurricanes, P47s and much more!
· Gameplay features include ambushes, line of sight, artillery barrages, airstrikes, scouts, morale, APCs, flame throwers, heavy bombers, snipers and suppression.
· Your units gain experience as they fight. Get promoted to Veteran and Elite status and gain new skills.
· Addictive multiplayer modes using Slitherine’s revolutionary multiplayer server that’s linked into an online ranking system.
· Huge modding opportunities. The game has been designed so that it’s easily moddable and accessible scripts control all aspects of combat, user interface and the game’s appearance.