Last Monday when I made my official entry in the Fashion world and the fashion show during the Autumn Winter 2010-2011 couture collection of Eva Minge. This name, you maybe don't really heard it but she's a Polish designer who climbs up and we shall see her during next Fashion Week Prêt-à-porter in New York next September. Review with images on an exceptional evening...

Dans les backstage...... In the backstage
Le défilé commence enfin et nous bougeons tous en backstage au son de Queen.
The show just begin and we move in the backstage on Queen.
Another One Bites The Dust

Premier face à face avec James Bort... Malheureusement trop intimidée, je me contente de le photographier.
First face to face with James Bort ... Unfortunately i'm too shy, so I just take a photo of him.

Les mannequins dansent au rythme de la musique et bougent dès lors que les photographes leur disent "vogue" prenant des positions lancinantes telles des créatures irréelles... Un conseil est alors donné à James Bort par un des photographes professionnels "Have fun ! If you don't ,you can't work anymore ... That's the Fashion World". Je le prends aussi pour moi...
Models dancing on the music beat and move when photographes tell them "vogue" taking stabbing positions as some of the unreal creatures... An advice is then given to James Bort by one of the professional photographers " Have fun ! If you don't ,you can't work anymore ... That's the Fashion World ". I also take it for me...

Maintenant que le défilé est terminé, il ne me reste plus qu'à dire au revoir à ce mon merveilleux. J'y retournerai un jour, et j'espère y prendre autant de plaisir que lors de cette soirée...
Now that's the show had ended, i had just to say goodbye to this fabulous world. I'll be back one day, and hope that I'll take as pleasure as I have during this evening...